Configuring allocation prolog and epilog scripts

A privileged_prolog and privileged_epilog script (with those exact names) must be placed in /opt/ibm/csm/prologs on a compute node in order to use the csm_allocation_create, csm_allocation_delete, and csm_allocation_update APIs. These scripts must be executable and take three command line parameters: –type, –user_flags, and –sys_flags.

To add output from this script to the Big Data Store (BDS) it is recommended that the system administrator producing these scripts make use of their language of choice’s logging function.

A sample privileged_prolog and privileged_epilog written in python is shipped in csm-core-*.rpm at /opt/ibm/csm/share/prologs. These sample scripts demonstrate the use of the python logging module to produce logs consumable for the BDS.

Mandatory prolog/epilog Features

Feature Description
The script must accept a command line parameter –type and have
support for both allocation and step as a string value.
The script must have a command line parameter –sys_flags. This
parameter should take a space delimited list of alphanumeric
flags in the form of a string. CSM does not allow special
characters, as these represent a potential exposure, allowing
unwanted activity to occur.
The script must have a command line parameter –user_flags. This
parameter should take a space delimited list of alphanumeric
flags in the form of a string. CSM does not allow special
characters, as these represent a potential exposure, allowing
unwanted activity to occur.
Returns 0 on success
Any other error code will be captured by create/delete and the
api call will fail.

Optional prolog/epilog Features

Feature Description
If the sysadmin wants to track these scripts in BDS, a form of
logging must be implemented by the admin writing the script. The
sample scripts outline a technique using python and the logging

Prolog/epilog Environment Variables


The Allocation ID of the invoking CSM handler.


The Primary Job (Batch) ID of the invoking CSM handler.


The Secondary Job (Batch) ID of the invoking CSM handler.


The user associated with the job.


A step prolog or step epilog differs in two ways: the –type flag is set to step and certain environment variables will not be present.