CSM Database Appendix

Naming conventions

CSM Database Overview
Table names start with “csm” prefix,
example csm_node. History table
names add “_history” suffix, example:
Primary Key
Primary key names are automatically
generate within PostgreSQL starting
with table name and followed by pkey.
${table name}_pkey
Unique Key
Unique key name start with “uk” followed
with table name and a letter indicating
the sequence (a, b, c, etc.).
uk_${table name}_b
Foreign key
Foreign key names are automatically
generate within PostgreSQL starting
with the table name and followed
with a list of field(s) and followed
by fkey.
${table}_${name_column names}_fkey
Index name starts with a prefix “ix”
followed by a table name and a letter
indicating the sequence.(a, b, c, etc.).
ix_${table name}_a
Function names will start with a prefix
with the prefix “fn” and followed by a
name, usually related to the table and
purpose or arguments if any.

Trigger names will start with a prefix
with the prefix “tr” and followed by a
name, usually related to the table and

History Tables

CSM DB keeps track of data as it change over time. History tables will be used to store these records and a history time stamp is generated to indicate the transaction has completed. The information will remain in this table until further action is taken.

Usage and Size

The usage and size of each table will vary depending on system size and system activity. This document tries to estimate the usage and size of the tables. Usage is defined as how often a table is accessed and is recorded as Low, Medium, or High. Size indicates how many rows are within the database tables and is recorded as total number of rows.

Table Categories


Node attributes tables



This table contains the attributes of all the nodes in the CORAL system including: management node, service node, login node, work load manager, launch node, and compute node.
Table Overview Action On:
High (CSM APIs access this table regularly)

1-5000 rows (total nodes in a CORAL System)

PK: node_name

csm_node_pkey on (node_name)
ix_csm_node_a on (node_name, ready)


tr_csm_node_ready on (csm_node)
Referenced by table Constraint Fields Key
csm_allocation_node csm_allocation_node_node_name_fkey node_name (FK)
csm_dimm csm_dimm_node_name_fkey node_name (FK)
csm_gpu csm_gpu_node_name_fkey node_name (FK)
csm_hca csm_hca_node_name_fkey node_name (FK)
csm_processor csm_processor_node_name_fkey node_name (FK)
csm_ssd csm_ssd_node_name_fkey node_name (FK)

csm_node (DB table overview)

                                                                                              Table "public.csm_node"
         Column          |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                                     Description
 node_name               | text                        | not null  | extended |              | identifies which node this information is for
 machine_model           | text                        |           | extended |              | machine type model information for this node
 serial_number           | text                        |           | extended |              | witherspoon boards serial number
 collection_time         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | the time the node was collected at inventory
 update_time             | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | the time the node was updated
 state                   | compute_node_states         |           | plain    |              | state of the node - DISCOVERED, IN_SERVICE, ADMIN_RESERVED, MAINTENANCE, SOFT_FAILURE, OUT_OF_SERVICE, HARD_FAILURE
 type                    | text                        |           | extended |              | management, service, login, workload manager, launch, compute
 primary_agg             | text                        |           | extended |              | primary aggregate
 secondary_agg           | text                        |           | extended |              | secondary aggregate
 hard_power_cap          | integer                     |           | plain    |              | hard power cap for this node
 installed_memory        | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | amount of installed memory on this node (in kB)
 installed_swap          | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | amount of available swap space on this node (in kB)
 discovered_sockets      | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of processors on this node (processor sockets, non-uniform memory access (NUMA) nodes)
 discovered_cores        | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of physical cores on this node from all processors
 discovered_gpus         | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of gpus available
 discovered_hcas         | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of IB HCAs discovered in this node during the most recent inventory collection
 discovered_dimms        | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of dimms discovered in this node during the most recent inventory collection
 discovered_ssds         | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of ssds discovered in this node during the most recent inventory collection
 os_image_name           | text                        |           | extended |              | xCAT os image name being run on this node, diskless images only
 os_image_uuid           | text                        |           | extended |              | xCAT os image uuid being run on this node, diskless images only
 kernel_release          | text                        |           | extended |              | kernel release being run on this node
 kernel_version          | text                        |           | extended |              | linux kernel version being run on this node
 physical_frame_location | text                        |           | extended |              | physical frame number where the node is located
 physical_u_location     | text                        |           | extended |              | physical u location (position in the frame) where the node is located
 feature_1               | text                        |           | extended |              | reserved fields for future use
 feature_2               | text                        |           | extended |              | reserved fields for future use
 feature_3               | text                        |           | extended |              | reserved fields for future use
 feature_4               | text                        |           | extended |              | reserved fields for future use
 comment                 | text                        |           | extended |              | comment field for system administrators
    "csm_node_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (node_name)
    "ix_csm_node_a" btree (node_name, state)
Check constraints:
    "csm_not_blank" CHECK (btrim(node_name, ' '::text) <> ''::text)
    "csm_not_null_string" CHECK (node_name <> ''::text)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "csm_allocation_node" CONSTRAINT "csm_allocation_node_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    TABLE "csm_dimm" CONSTRAINT "csm_dimm_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    TABLE "csm_gpu" CONSTRAINT "csm_gpu_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    TABLE "csm_hca" CONSTRAINT "csm_hca_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    TABLE "csm_processor_socket" CONSTRAINT "csm_processor_socket_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    TABLE "csm_ssd" CONSTRAINT "csm_ssd_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    tr_csm_node_state BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF state ON csm_node FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_node_state()
    tr_csm_node_update BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE OF node_name, machine_model, serial_number, collection_time,
        type, primary_agg, secondary_agg, hard_power_cap, installed_memory, installed_swap, discovered_sockets,
        discovered_cores, discovered_gpus, discovered_hcas, discovered_dimms, discovered_ssds, os_image_name,
        os_image_uuid, kernel_release, kernel_version, physical_frame_location, physical_u_location, feature_1,
        feature_2, feature_3, feature_4, comment ON csm_node FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_node_update()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains the historical information related to node attributes.
Table Overview Action On:
Low (When hardware changes and to query
historical information)

5000+ rows (Based on hardware changes)

ix_csm_node_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_node_history_b on (node_name)
ix_csm_node_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_node_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_node_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                          Table "public.csm_node_history"
         Column          |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                                     Description
 history_time            | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | time when the node is entered into the history table
 node_name               | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies which node this information is for
 machine_model           | text                        |           | extended |              | machine type model information for this node
 serial_number           | text                        |           | extended |              | witherspoon boards serial number
 collection_time         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | the time the node was collected at inventory
 update_time             | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | the time the node was updated
 state                   | compute_node_states         |           | plain    |              | state of the node - DISCOVERED, IN_SERVICE, ADMIN_RESERVED, MAINTENANCE, SOFT_FAILURE, OUT_OF_SERVICE, HARD_FAILURE
 type                    | text                        |           | extended |              | management, service, login, workload manager, launch, compute
 primary_agg             | text                        |           | extended |              | primary aggregate
 secondary_agg           | text                        |           | extended |              | secondary aggregate
 hard_power_cap          | integer                     |           | plain    |              | hard power cap for this node
 installed_memory        | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | amount of installed memory on this node (in kB)
 installed_swap          | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | amount of available swap space on this node (in kB)
 discovered_sockets      | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of processors on this node (processor sockets, non-uniform memory access (NUMA) nodes)
 discovered_cores        | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of physical cores on this node from all processors
 discovered_gpus         | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of gpus available
 discovered_hcas         | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of IB HCAs discovered in this node during inventory collection
 discovered_dimms        | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of dimms discovered in this node during inventory collection
 discovered_ssds         | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of ssds discovered in this node during inventory collection
 os_image_name           | text                        |           | extended |              | xCAT os image name being run on this node, diskless images only
 os_image_uuid           | text                        |           | extended |              | xCAT os image uuid being run on this node, diskless images only
 kernel_release          | text                        |           | extended |              | linux kernel release being run on this node
 kernel_version          | text                        |           | extended |              | linux kernel version being run on this node
 physical_frame_location | text                        |           | extended |              | physical frame number where the node is located
 physical_u_location     | text                        |           | extended |              | physical u location (position in the frame) where the node is located
 feature_1               | text                        |           | extended |              | reserved fields for future use
 feature_2               | text                        |           | extended |              | reserved fields for future use
 feature_3               | text                        |           | extended |              | reserved fields for future use
 feature_4               | text                        |           | extended |              | reserved fields for future use
 comment                 | text                        |           | extended |              | comment field for system administrators
 operation               | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time    | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_node_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_node_history_b" btree (node_name)
    "ix_csm_node_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_node_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information related to the node state status. This table will be updated each time the node status status changes.
Table Overview Action On:

(Based on how often a node ready status changes)

ix_csm_node_ready_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_node_ready_history_b on (node_name, ready)
ix_csm_node_ready_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_node_ready_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_node_state_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                     Table "public.csm_node_state_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                                     Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | time when the node ready status is entered into the history table
 node_name            | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies which node this information is for
 state                | compute_node_states         |           | plain    |              | state of the node - DISCOVERED, IN_SERVICE, ADMIN_RESERVED, MAINTENANCE, SOFT_FAILURE, OUT_OF_SERVICE, HARD_FAILURE
 operation            | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_node_state_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_node_state_history_b" btree (node_name, state)
    "ix_csm_node_state_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_node_state_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains information on the processors of a node.
Table Overview Action On:

25,000+ rows (Witherspoon will consist of
256 processors per node. (based on 5000 nodes)

PK: serial_number, node_name
FK: csm_node (node_name)

csm_processor_pkey on (serial_number, node_name)



csm_processor_socket (DB table overview)

                                      Table "public.csm_processor_socket"
      Column       |  Type   | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                Description
 serial_number     | text    | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this processor
 node_name         | text    | not null  | extended |              | where does this processor reside
 physical_location | text    |           | extended |              | physical location of the processor
 discovered_cores  | integer |           | plain    |              | number of physical cores on this processor
    "csm_processor_socket_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (serial_number, node_name)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_processor_socket_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    tr_csm_processor_socket_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_processor_socket FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_processor_socket_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information associated with individual processors.
Table Overview Action On:

25,000+ rows (Based on how often a processor
is changed or its failure rate)

ix_csm_processor_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_processor_history_b on (serial_number, node_name)
ix_csm_processor_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_processor_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_processor_socket_history (DB table overview)

                                                                        Table "public.csm_processor_socket_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | the time when the processor is entering the history table
 serial_number        | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this processor
 node_name            | text                        |           | extended |              | where does this processor reside
 physical_location    | text                        |           | extended |              | physical location of the processor
 discovered_cores     | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of physical cores on this processor
 operation            | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_processor_socket_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_processor_socket_history_b" btree (serial_number, node_name)
    "ix_csm_processor_socket_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_processor_socket_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains information on the GPUs on the node.
Table Overview Action On:

30,000+ rows
(Max per load =
6 (If there are 5000 nodes than
30,000 on Witherspoons)

PK: node_name, gpu_id
FK: csm_node (node_name)

csm_gpu_pkey on (node_name, gpu_id)



csm_gpu (DB table overview)

                                                            Table "public.csm_gpu"
        Column         |  Type   | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                              Description
 serial_number         | text    | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this gpu
 node_name             | text    | not null  | extended |              | where does this gpu reside
 gpu_id                | integer | not null  | plain    |              | gpu identification number
 device_name           | text    | not null  | extended |              | indicates the device name
 pci_bus_id            | text    | not null  | extended |              | Peripheral Component Interconnect bus identifier
 uuid                  | text    | not null  | extended |              | universally unique identifier
 vbios                 | text    | not null  | extended |              | Video BIOS
 inforom_image_version | text    | not null  | extended |              | version of the infoROM
 hbm_memory            | bigint  |           | plain    |              | high bandwidth memory: amount of available memory on this gpu (in kB)
    "csm_gpu_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (node_name, gpu_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_gpu_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    tr_csm_gpu_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_gpu FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_gpu_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information associated with individual GPUs. The GPU will be recorded and also be timestamped.
Table Overview Action On:

(based on how often changed)

ix_csm_gpu_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_gpu_history_b on (serial_number)
ix_csm_gpu_history_c on (node_name, gpu_id)
ix_csm_gpu_history_d on (ctid)
ix_csm_gpu_history_e on (archive_history_time)

csm_gpu_history (DB table overview)

                                                                               Table "public.csm_gpu_history"
        Column         |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time          | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | the time when the gpu is entering the history table
 serial_number         | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this gpu
 node_name             | text                        |           | extended |              | where does this gpu reside
 gpu_id                | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | gpu identification number
 device_name           | text                        | not null  | extended |              | indicates the device name
 pci_bus_id            | text                        | not null  | extended |              | Peripheral Component Interconnect bus identifier
 uuid                  | text                        | not null  | extended |              | universally unique identifier
 vbios                 | text                        | not null  | extended |              | Video BIOS
 inforom_image_version | text                        | not null  | extended |              | version of the infoROM
 hbm_memory            | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | high bandwidth memory: amount of available memory on this gpu (in kB)
 operation             | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time  | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_gpu_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_gpu_history_b" btree (serial_number)
    "ix_csm_gpu_history_c" btree (node_name, gpu_id)
    "ix_csm_gpu_history_d" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_gpu_history_e" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains information on the SSDs on the system. This table contains the current status of the SSD along with its capacity and wear.
Table Overview Action On:

1-5000 rows (one per node)

PK: serial_number
FK: csm_node (node_name)

csm_ssd_pkey on (serial_number)
ix_csm_ssd_a on (serial_number, node_name)


Referenced by table Constraint Fields Key
csm_vg_ssd csm_vg_ssd_serial_number_fkey serial_number, node_name (FK)

csm_ssd (DB table overview)

                                                                            Table "public.csm_ssd"
            Column             |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                Description
 serial_number                 | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd
 node_name                     | text                        | not null  | extended |              | where does this ssd reside
 update_time                   | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp when ssd was updated
 device_name                   | text                        |           | extended |              | product device name
 pci_bus_id                    | text                        |           | extended |              | PCI bus id
 fw_ver                        | text                        |           | extended |              | firmware version
 size                          | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | total capacity (in bytes) of this ssd, for example, 800 gbs
 wear_lifespan_used            | double precision            |           | plain    |              | estimate of the amount of SSD life consumed (w.l.m. will
 use - 0-255 per)
 wear_total_bytes_written      | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of bytes written to the SSD over the life of the device
 wear_total_bytes_read         | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of bytes read from the SSD over the life of the device
 wear_percent_spares_remaining | double precision            |           | plain    |              | amount of SSD capacity over-provisioning that remains
    "csm_ssd_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (serial_number, node_name)
    "uk_csm_ssd_a" UNIQUE, btree (serial_number, node_name)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_ssd_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "csm_vg_ssd" CONSTRAINT "csm_vg_ssd_serial_number_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (serial_number, node_name) REFERENCES csm_ssd(serial_number, node_name)
    tr_csm_ssd_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE OF serial_number, node_name, device_name, pci_bus_id, fw_ver, size ON csm_ssd FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_ssd_history_dump()
    tr_csm_ssd_wear BEFORE UPDATE OF wear_lifespan_used, wear_total_bytes_written, wear_total_bytes_read, wear_percent_spares_remaining ON csm_ssd FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_ssd_wear()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information associated with individual SSDs.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows

ix_csm_ssd_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_ssd_history_b on (serial_number, node_name)
ix_csm_ssd_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_ssd_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_ssd_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                   Table "public.csm_ssd_history"
            Column             |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time                  | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp
 serial_number                 | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd
 node_name                     | text                        |           | extended |              | where does this ssd reside
 update_time                   | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp when the ssd was updated
 device_name                   | text                        |           | extended |              | product device name
 pci_bus_id                    | text                        |           | extended |              | PCI bus id
 fw_ver                        | text                        |           | extended |              | firmware version
 size                          | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | total capacity (in bytes) of this ssd, for example, 800 gbs
 wear_lifespan_used            | double precision            |           | plain    |              | estimate of the amount of SSD life consumed (w.l.m. will
 use - 0-255 per)
 wear_total_bytes_written      | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of bytes written to the SSD over the life of the device
 wear_total_bytes_read         | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of bytes read from the SSD over the life of the device
 wear_percent_spares_remaining | double precision            |           | plain    |              | amount of SSD capacity over-provisioning that remains
 operation                     | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time          | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_ssd_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_ssd_history_b" btree (serial_number, node_name)
    "ix_csm_ssd_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_ssd_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information on the ssds wear known to the system.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows

ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_b on (serial_number, node_name)
ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_ssd_wear_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                Table "public.csm_ssd_wear_history"
            Column             |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time                  | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp
 serial_number                 | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd
 node_name                     | text                        |           | extended |              | where does this ssd reside
 wear_lifespan_used            | double precision            |           | plain    |              | estimate of the amount of SSD life consumed (w.l.m. will
 use - 0-255 per)
 wear_total_bytes_written      | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of bytes written to the SSD over the life of the device
 wear_total_bytes_read         | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of bytes read from the SSD over the life of the device
 wear_percent_spares_remaining | double precision            |           | plain    |              | amount of SSD capacity over-provisioning that remains
 operation                     | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time          | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_b" btree (serial_number, node_name)
    "ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains information about the HCA (Host Channel Adapters). Each HC adapter has a unique identifier (serial number). The table has a status indicator, board ID (for the IB adapter), and Infiniband (globally unique identifier (GUID)).
Table Overview Action On:

1-10K – 1 or 2 per node

PK: serial_number
FK: csm_node (node_name)

csm_hca_pkey on (serial_number)



csm_hca (DB table overview)

                                     Table "public.csm_hca"
    Column     | Type | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |            Description
 serial_number | text | not null  | extended |              | unique serial number for this HCA
 node_name     | text | not null  | extended |              | node this HCA is installed in
 device_name   | text |           | extended |              | product device name for this HCA
 pci_bus_id    | text | not null  | extended |              | PCI bus id for this HCA
 guid          | text | not null  | extended |              | sys_image_guid for this HCA
 part_number   | text |           | extended |              | part number for this HCA
 fw_ver        | text |           | extended |              | firmware version for this HCA
 hw_rev        | text |           | extended |              | hardware revision for this HCA
 board_id      | text |           | extended |              | board id for this HCA
    "csm_hca_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (node_name, serial_number)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_hca_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    tr_csm_hca_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_hca FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_hca_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information associated with the HCA (Host Channel Adapters).
Table Overview Action On:

(Based on how many are changed out)

ix_csm_hca_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_hca_history_b on (node_name, serial_number)
ix_csm_hca_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_hca_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_hca_history (DB table overview)

                                                                              Table "public.csm_hca_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | the time when the HCA is entering the history table
 serial_number        | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique serial number for this HCA
 node_name            | text                        |           | extended |              | node this HCA is installed in
 device_name          | text                        |           | extended |              | product device name for this HCA
 pci_bus_id           | text                        | not null  | extended |              | PCI bus id for this HCA
 guid                 | text                        | not null  | extended |              | sys_image_guid for this HCA
 part_number          | text                        |           | extended |              | part number for this HCA
 fw_ver               | text                        |           | extended |              | firmware version for this HCA
 hw_rev               | text                        |           | extended |              | hardware revision for this HCA
 board_id             | text                        |           | extended |              | board id for this HCA
 operation            | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_hca_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_hca_history_b" btree (node_name, serial_number)
    "ix_csm_hca_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_hca_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains information related to the DIMM “”Dual In-Line Memory Module” attributes.
Table Overview Action On:

1-80K+ (16 DIMMs per node)

PK: serial_number
FK: csm_node (node_name)

csm_dimm_pkey on (serial_number)



csm_dimm (DB table overview)

                                             Table "public.csm_dimm"
      Column       |  Type   | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                 Description
 serial_number     | text    | not null  | extended |              | this is the dimm serial number
 node_name         | text    | not null  | extended |              | where does this dimm reside
 size              | integer | not null  | plain    |              | the size can be 4, 8, 16, 32 GB
 physical_location | text    | not null  | extended |              | phyical location where the dimm is installed
    "csm_dimm_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (serial_number, node_name)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_dimm_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
    tr_csm_dimm_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_dimm FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_dimm_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information related to the DIMM “Dual In-Line Memory Module” attributes.
Table Overview Action On:

(Based on how many are changed out)

ix_csm_dimm_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_dimm_history_b on (node_name, serial_number)
ix_csm_dimm_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_dimm_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_dimm_history (DB table overview)

                                                                              Table "public.csm_dimm_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | this is when the information is entered into the history table
 serial_number        | text                        | not null  | extended |              | this is the dimm serial number
 node_name            | text                        |           | extended |              | where does this dimm reside
 size                 | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | the size can be 4, 8, 16, 32 GB
 physical_location    | text                        | not null  | extended |              | physical location where the dimm is installed
 operation            | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_dimm_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_dimm_history_b" btree (node_name, serial_number)
    "ix_csm_dimm_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_dimm_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no

Allocation tables


This table contains the information about the system’s current allocations. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:
High (Every time allocated and allocation query)

1-5000 rows (1 allocation per node (5000 max per 1 node))

PK: allocation_id

csm_allocation_pkey on (allocation_id)

insert/update/delete (API call)

Referenced by table Constraint Fields Key
csm_allocation_node csm_allocation_node_allocation_id_fkey allocation_id (FK)
csm_step csm_step_allocation_id_fkey allocation_id (FK)

csm_allocation (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                          Table "public.csm_allocation"
        Column        |            Type             |                               Modifiers                                | Storage  | Stats target |                                                  Description
 allocation_id        | bigint                      | not null default nextval('csm_allocation_allocation_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | unique identifier for this allocation
 primary_job_id       | bigint                      | not null                                                               | plain    |              | primary job id (for lsf this will be the lsf job id)
 secondary_job_id     | integer                     |                                                                        | plain    |              | secondary job id (for lsf this will be the lsf job index for job arrays)
 ssd_file_system_name | text                        |                                                                        | extended |              | the filesystem name that the user wants (ssd)
 launch_node_name     | text                        | not null                                                               | extended |              | launch node name
 isolated_cores       | integer                     | default 0                                                              | plain    |              | cgroup: 0 - No cgroups, 1 - Allocation Cgroup, 2 - Allocation and Core Isolation Cgroup, >2 || <0 unsupported
 user_flags           | text                        |                                                                        | extended |              | user
 space prolog/epilog flags
 system_flags         | text                        |                                                                        | extended |              | system space prolog/epilog flags
 ssd_min              | bigint                      |                                                                        | plain    |              | minimum ssd size (in bytes) for this allocation
 ssd_max              | bigint                      |                                                                        | plain    |              | maximum ssd size (in bytes) for this allocation
 num_nodes            | integer                     | not null                                                               | plain    |              | number of nodes in this allocation,also see csm_node_allocation
 num_processors       | integer                     | not null                                                               | plain    |              | total number of processes running in this allocation
 num_gpus             | integer                     | not null                                                               | plain    |              | the number of gpus that are available
 projected_memory     | integer                     | not null                                                               | plain    |              | the amount of memory available
 state                | text                        | not null                                                               | extended |              | state can be: stage in allocation, running allocation, stage out allocation
 type                 | text                        | not null                                                               | extended |              | shared allocation, user managed sub-allocation, pmix managed allocation, pmix managed allocation with c groups for steps
 job_type             | text                        | not null                                                               | extended |              | the type of job (batch or interactive)
 user_name            | text                        | not null                                                               | extended |              | user name
 user_id              | integer                     | not null                                                               | plain    |              | user identification
 user_group_id        | integer                     | not null                                                               | plain    |              | user group identification
 user_group_name      | text                        |                                                                        | extended |              | user group name
 user_script          | text                        | not null                                                               | extended |              | user script information
 begin_time           | timestamp without time zone | not null                                                               | plain    |              | timestamp when this allocation was created
 account              | text                        | not null                                                               | extended |              | account the job ran under
 comment              | text                        |                                                                        | extended |              | comments for the allocation
 job_name             | text                        |                                                                        | extended |              | jobname
 job_submit_time      | timestamp without time zone | not null                                                               | plain    |              | the time and data stamp the job was submitted
 queue                | text                        |                                                                        | extended |              | identifies the partition (queue) on which the job ran
 requeue              | text                        |                                                                        | extended |              | identifies (requeue) if the allocation is requeued it will attempt to have the previous allocation id
 time_limit           | bigint                      | not null                                                               | plain    |              | the time limit requested or imposed on the job
 wc_key               | text                        |                                                                        | extended |              | arbitrary string for grouping orthogonal accounts together
 smt_mode             | smallint                    | default 0                                                              | plain    |              | the smt mode of the allocation
 core_blink           | boolean                     | not null                                                               | plain    |              | flag indicating whether or not to run a blink operation on allocation cores.

    "csm_allocation_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (allocation_id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "csm_allocation_node" CONSTRAINT "csm_allocation_node_allocation_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (allocation_id) REFERENCES csm_allocation(allocation_id)
    TABLE "csm_step" CONSTRAINT "csm_step_allocation_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (allocation_id) REFERENCES csm_allocation(allocation_id)
    tr_csm_allocation_state_change BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF state ON csm_allocation FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_allocation_state_history_state_change()
    tr_csm_allocation_update BEFORE UPDATE OF allocation_id, primary_job_id, secondary_job_id, ssd_file_system_name, launch_node_name, isolated_cores, user_flags, system_flags, ssd_min, ssd_max, num_nodes, num_processors, num_gpus, projected_memory, type, job_type, user_name, user_id, user_group_id, user_group_name, user_script, begin_time, account, comment, job_name, job_submit_time, queue, requeue, time_limit, wc_key, smt_mode, core_blink ON csm_allocation FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_allocation_update()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains the information about the no longer current allocations on the system. Essentially this is the historical information about allocations. This table will increase in size only based on how many allocations are deployed on the life cycle of the machine/system. This table will also be able to determine the total energy consumed per allocation (filled in during “free of allocation”).
Table Overview Action On:

(Depending on customers work load (100,000+ rows))

ix_csm_allocation_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_allocation_history_b on (allocation_id)
ix_csm_allocation_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_allocation_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_allocation_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                  Table "public.csm_allocation_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                                  Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | time when the allocation is entered into the history table
 allocation_id        | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | unique identifier for this allocation
 primary_job_id       | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | primary job id (for lsf this will be the lsf job id)
 secondary_job_id     | integer                     |           | plain    |              | secondary job id (for lsf this will be the lsf job index)
 ssd_file_system_name | text                        |           | extended |              | the filesystem name that the user wants (ssd)
 launch_node_name     | text                        | not null  | extended |              | launch node name
 isolated_cores       | integer                     |           | plain    |              | cgroup: 0 - No cgroups, 1 - Allocation Cgroup, 2 - Allocation and
 Core Isolation Cgroup, >2 || <0 unsupported
 user_flags           | text                        |           | extended |              | user space prolog/epilog flags
 system_flags         | text                        |           | extended |              | system space prolog/epilog flags
 ssd_min              | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | minimum ssd size (in bytes) for this allocation
 ssd_max              | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | maximum ssd size (in bytes) for this allocation
 num_nodes            | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | number of nodes in allocation, see csm_node_allocation
 num_processors       | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | total number of processes running in this allocation
 num_gpus             | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | the number of gpus that are available
 projected_memory     | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | the amount of memory available
 state                | text                        | not null  | extended |              | state of the node - stage in allocation, running allocation, stage out allocation
 type                 | text                        | not null  | extended |              | user managed sub-allocation, pmix managed allocation, pmix managed allocation with c groups for steps
 job_type             | text                        | not null  | extended |              | the type of job (batch or interactive)
 user_name            | text                        | not null  | extended |              | username
 user_id              | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | user identification id
 user_group_id        | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | user group identification
 user_group_name      | text                        |           | extended |              | user group name
 user_script          | text                        | not null  | extended |              | user script information
 begin_time           | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp when this allocation was created
 end_time             | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when this allocation was freed
 exit_status          | integer                     |           | plain    |              | allocation exit status
 account              | text                        | not null  | extended |              | account the job ran under
 comment              | text                        |           | extended |              | comments for the allocation
 job_name             | text                        |           | extended |              | job name
 job_submit_time      | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | the time and date stamp the job was submitted
 queue                | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies the partition (queue) on which the job ran
 requeue              | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies (requeue) if the allocation is requeued it will attempt to have the previous allocation id
 time_limit           | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | the time limit requested or imposed on the job
 wc_key               | text                        |           | extended |              | arbitrary string for grouping orthogonal accounts together
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
 smt_mode             | smallint                    | default 0 | plain    |              | the smt mode of the allocation
 core_blink           | boolean                     | not_null  | plain    |              | flag indicating whether or not to run a blink operation on allocation cores.
    "ix_csm_allocation_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_allocation_history_b" btree (allocation_id)
    "ix_csm_allocation_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_allocation_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no

Step tables


This table contains information on active steps within the CSM database. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (depending on the steps)

PK: step_id, allocation_id
FK: csm_allocation (allocation_id)

csm_step_pkey on (step_id, allocation_id)
uk_csm_step_a on (step_id, allocation_id)

insert/update/delete (API call)
Referenced by table Constraint Fields Key
csm_step_node csm_step_node_step_id_fkey step_id (FK)

csm_step (DB table overview)

                                                                Table "public.csm_step"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                        Description
 step_id              | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | uniquely identify this step
 allocation_id        | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | allocation that this step is part of
 begin_time           | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp when this job step started
 status               | text                        | not null  | extended |              | the active status of the step
 executable           | text                        | not null  | extended |              | executable / command name / application name
 working_directory    | text                        | not null  | extended |              | working directory
 argument             | text                        | not null  | extended |              | arguments / parameters
 environment_variable | text                        | not null  | extended |              | environment variables
 num_nodes            | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | the specific number of nodes that are involved in the step
 num_processors       | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | total number of processes running in this step
 num_gpus             | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | the number of gpus that are available
 projected_memory     | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | the projected amount of memory available for the step
 num_tasks            | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | total number of tasks in a job or step
 user_flags           | text                        |           | extended |              | user space prolog/epilog flags
    "csm_step_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (step_id, allocation_id)
    "uk_csm_step_a" UNIQUE, btree (step_id, allocation_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_step_allocation_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (allocation_id) REFERENCES csm_allocation(allocation_id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "csm_step_node" CONSTRAINT "csm_step_node_step_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (step_id, allocation_id) REFERENCES csm_step(step_id, allocation_id)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains the information for steps that have terminated. There is some additional information from the initial step that has been added to the history table. These attributes include: end time, compute nodes, level gpu usage, exit status, error text, network band width, cpu stats, total U time, total S time, total number of threads, gpu stats, memory stats, max memory, max swap, ios stats.
Table Overview Action On:

Millions of rows (depending on the customer’s work load)

ix_csm_step_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_step_history_b on (begin_time, end_time)
ix_csm_step_history_c on (allocation_id, end_time)
ix_csm_step_history_d on (end_time)
ix_csm_step_history_e on (step_id)
ix_csm_step_history_f on (ctid)
ix_csm_step_history_g on (archive_history_time)

csm_step_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                            Table "public.csm_step_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                                        Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp when it enters the history table
 step_id              | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | uniquely identify this step
 allocation_id        | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | allocation that this step is part of
 begin_time           | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp when this job step started
 end_time             | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when this step ended
 status               | text                        | not null  | extended |              | the active operating status of the state
 executable           | text                        | not null  | extended |              | executable / command name / application name
 working_directory    | text                        | not null  | extended |              | working directory
 argument             | text                        | not null  | extended |              | arguments / parameters
 environment_variable | text                        | not null  | extended |              | environment variables
 num_nodes            | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | the specific number of nodes that are involved in the step
 num_processors       | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | total number of processes running in this step
 num_gpus             | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | the number of gpus available
 projected_memory     | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | the number of memory available
 num_tasks            | integer                     | not null  | plain    |              | total number of tasks in a job or step
 user_flags           | text                        |           | extended |              | user space prolog/epilog flags
 exit_status          | integer                     |           | plain    |              | step/s exit status. will be tracked and given to csm by job leader
 error_message        | text                        |           | extended |              | step/s error text. will be tracked and given to csm by job leader. the following columns need their proper data types tbd:
 cpu_stats            | text                        |           | extended |              | statistics gathered from the CPU for the step.
 total_u_time         | double precision            |           | plain    |              | relates to the (us) (aka: user mode) value of %cpu(s) of the (top) linux cmd. todo: design how we get this data
 total_s_time         | double precision            |           | plain    |              | relates to the (sy) (aka: system mode) value of %cpu(s) of the (top) linux cmd. todo: design how we get this data
 omp_thread_limit     | text                        |           | extended |              | max number of omp threads used by the step.
 gpu_stats            | text                        |           | extended |              | statistics gathered from the GPU for the step.
 memory_stats         | text                        |           | extended |              | memory statistics for the the step (bytes).
 max_memory           | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | the maximum memory usage of the step (bytes).
 io_stats             | text                        |           | extended |              | general input output statistics for the step.
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_step_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_step_history_b" btree (begin_time, end_time)
    "ix_csm_step_history_c" btree (allocation_id, end_time)
    "ix_csm_step_history_d" btree (end_time)
    "ix_csm_step_history_e" btree (step_id)
    "ix_csm_step_history_f" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_step_history_g" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no

Allocation node, allocation state history, step node tables


This table maps current allocations to the compute nodes that make up the allocation. This information is later used when populating the csm_allocation_history table.
Table Overview Action On:

1-5000 rows

FK: csm_node (node_name)
FK: csm_allocation (allocation_id)

ix_csm_allocation_node_a on (allocation_id)
uk_csm_allocation_node_b on (allocation_id, node_name)

insert (API call)

Referenced by table Constraint Fields Key
csm_lv csm_lv_allocation_id_fkey allocation_id, node_name (FK)
csm_step_node csm_step_node_allocation_id_fkey allocation_id, node_name (FK)

csm_allocation_node (DB table overview)

                                                                   Table "public.csm_allocation_node"
        Column        |  Type   | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                           Description
 allocation_id        | bigint  | not null  | plain    |              | allocation that node_name is part of
 node_name            | text    | not null  | extended |              | identifies which node this is
 state                | text    | not null  | extended |              | state can be: stage in allocation, running allocation, stage out allocation
 shared               | boolean | not null  | plain    |              | indicates if the node resources are shareable
 energy               | bigint  |           | plain    |              | the total energy used by the node in joules during the allocation
 gpfs_read            | bigint  |           | plain    |              | bytes read counter (net) at the start of the allocation.
 gpfs_write           | bigint  |           | plain    |              | bytes written counter (net) at the start of the allocation.
 ib_tx                | bigint  |           | plain    |              | count of data octets transmitted on all port VLs (1/4 of a byte) at the start of the allocation.
 ib_rx                | bigint  |           | plain    |              | Count of data octets received on all port VLs (1/4 of a byte) at the start of the allocation.
 power_cap            | integer |           | plain    |              | power cap currently in effect for this node (in watts)
 power_shifting_ratio | integer |           | plain    |              | power power shifting ratio currently in effect for this node
 power_cap_hit        | bigint  |           | plain    |              | total number of windowed ticks the processor frequency was reduced
 gpu_usage            | bigint  |           | plain    |              | the total usage aggregated across all GPUs in the node in microseconds during the allocation
 gpu_energy           | bigint  |           | plain    |              | the total energy used across all GPUs in the node in joules during the allocation
 cpu_usage            | bigint  |           | plain    |              | the cpu usage in nanoseconds
 memory_usage_max     | bigint  |           | plain    |              | The high water mark for memory usage (bytes).
    "uk_csm_allocation_node_b" UNIQUE, btree (allocation_id, node_name)
    "ix_csm_allocation_node_a" btree (allocation_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_allocation_node_allocation_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (allocation_id) REFERENCES csm_allocation(allocation_id)
    "csm_allocation_node_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name) REFERENCES csm_node(node_name)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "csm_lv" CONSTRAINT "csm_lv_allocation_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (allocation_id, node_name) REFERENCES csm_allocation_node(allocation_id, node_name)
    TABLE "csm_step_node" CONSTRAINT "csm_step_node_allocation_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (allocation_id, node_name) REFERENCES csm_allocation_node(allocation_id, node_name)
    tr_csm_allocation_node_change BEFORE UPDATE ON csm_allocation_node FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_allocation_node_change()
Has OIDs: no


This table maps history allocations to the compute nodes that make up the allocation.
Table Overview Action On:

1-5000 rows

ix_csm_allocation_node_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_allocation_node_history_b on (allocation_id)
ix_csm_allocation_node_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_allocation_node_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_allocation_node_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                         Table "public.csm_allocation_node_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                         Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp when it enters the history table
 allocation_id        | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | allocation that node_name is part of
 node_name            | text                        | not null  | extended |              | identifies which node this is
 state                | text                        | not null  | extended |              | state can be: stage in allocation, running allocation, stage out allocation
 shared               | boolean                     |           | plain    |              | indicates if the node resources are shareable
 energy               | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | the total energy used by the node in joules during the allocation
 gpfs_read            | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | total bytes read counter (net) at the during the allocation. Negative values represent the start reading, indicating the end was never writen to the database.
 gpfs_write           | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | total bytes written counter (net) at the during the allocation. Negative values represent the start reading, indicating the end was never writen to the database.
 ib_tx                | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | total count of data octets transmitted on all port VLs (1/4 of a byte) during the allocation. Negative values represent the start reading, indicating the end was never writen to the database.
 ib_rx                | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | total count of data octets received on all port VLs (1/4 of a byte) during the allocation. Negative values represent the start reading, indicating the end was never writen to the database.
 power_cap            | integer                     |           | plain    |              | power cap currently in effect for this node (in watts)
 power_shifting_ratio | integer                     |           | plain    |              | power power shifting ratio currently in effect for this node
 power_cap_hit        | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | total number of windowed ticks the processor frequency was reduced
 gpu_usage            | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | the total usage aggregated across all GPUs in the node in microseconds during the allocation
 gpu_energy           | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | the total energy used across all GPUs in the node in joules during the allocation
 cpu_usage            | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | the cpu usage in nanoseconds
 memory_usage_max     | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | The high water mark for memory usage (bytes).
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_allocation_node_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_allocation_node_history_b" btree (allocation_id)
    "ix_csm_allocation_node_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_allocation_node_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains the state of the active allocations history. A timestamp of when the information enters the table along with a state indicator.
Table Overview Action On:

1-5000 rows (one per allocation)

ix_csm_allocation_state_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_allocation_state_history_b on (allocation_id)
ix_csm_allocation_state_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_allocation_state_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_allocation_state_history (DB table overview)

                                                                        Table "public.csm_allocation_state_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp when this allocation changes state
 allocation_id        | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | uniquely identify this allocation
 exit_status          | integer                     |           | plain    |              | the error code returned at the end of the allocation state
 state                | text                        | not null  | extended |              | state of this allocation (stage-in, running, stage-out)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_allocation_state_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_allocation_state_history_b" btree (allocation_id)
    "ix_csm_allocation_state_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_allocation_state_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table maps active allocations to jobs steps and nodes.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (based on steps)

FK: csm_step (step_id, allocation_id)
FK: csm_allocation (allocation_id, node_name)

uk_csm_step_node_a on (step_id, allocation_id, node_name)
ix_csm_step_node_b on (allocation_id)
ix_csm_step_node_c on (allocation_id, step_id)



csm_step_node (DB table overview)

                                    Table "public.csm_step_node"
    Column     |  Type  | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |             Description
 step_id       | bigint | not null  | plain    |              | uniquely identify this step
 allocation_id | bigint | not null  | plain    |              | allocation that this step is part of
 node_name     | text   | not null  | extended |              | identifies the node
    "uk_csm_step_node_a" UNIQUE, btree (step_id, allocation_id, node_name)
    "ix_csm_step_node_b" btree (allocation_id)
    "ix_csm_step_node_c" btree (allocation_id, step_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_step_node_allocation_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (allocation_id, node_name) REFERENCES csm_allocation_node(allocation_id, node_name)
    "csm_step_node_step_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (step_id, allocation_id) REFERENCES csm_step(step_id, allocation_id)
    tr_csm_step_node_history_dump BEFORE DELETE ON csm_step_node FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_step_node_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table maps historical allocations to jobs steps and nodes.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (based on steps)

ix_csm_step_node_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_step_node_history_b on (allocation_id)
ix_csm_step_node_history_c on (allocation_id, step_id)
ix_csm_step_node_history_d on (ctid)
ix_csm_step_node_history_e on (archive_history_time)

csm_step_node_history (DB table overview)

                                                                           Table "public.csm_step_node_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | historical time when information is added to the history table
 step_id              | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | uniquely identify this step
 allocation_id        | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | allocation that this step is part of
 node_name            | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies the node
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_step_node_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_step_node_history_b" btree (allocation_id)
    "ix_csm_step_node_history_c" btree (allocation_id, step_id)
    "ix_csm_step_node_history_d" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_step_node_history_e" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no

RAS tables


This table contains the description and details for each of the possible RAS event types. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

1000+ rows (depending on the different RAS types)

PK: msg_id

csm_ras_type_pkey on (msg_id)



csm_ras_type (DB table overview)

                                                                                                   Table "public.csm_ras_type"
      Column      |        Type         | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                                                  Description
 msg_id           | text                | not null  | extended |              | the identifier string for this RAS event. It must be unique.  typically it consists of three parts separated by periods (system.component.id).
 severity         | ras_event_severity  | not null  | plain    |              | severity of the RAS event. INFO/WARNING/FATAL
 message          | text                |           | extended |              | ras message to display to the user (pre-variable substitution)
 description      | text                |           | extended |              | description of the ras event
 control_action   | text                |           | extended |              | name of control action script to invoke for this event.
 threshold_count  | integer             |           | plain    |              | number of times this event has to occur during the (threshold_period) before taking action on the RAS event.
 threshold_period | integer             |           | plain    |              | period in seconds over which to compare the number of event occurences to the threshold_count ).
 enabled          | boolean             |           | plain    |              | events will be processed if enabled=true and suppressed if enabled=false
 set_state        | compute_node_states |           | plain    |              | setting the state according to the node, DISCOVERED, IN_SERVICE, ADMIN_RESERVED, MAINTENANCE, SOFT_FAILURE, OUT_OF_SERVICE, HARD_FAILURE
 visible_to_users | boolean             |           | plain    |              | when visible_to_users=true, RAS events of this type will be returned in the response to csm_ras_event_query_allocation
    "csm_ras_type_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (msg_id)
    tr_csm_ras_type_update AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_ras_type FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_ras_type_update()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical descriptions and details for each of the possible RAS event types. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

1000+ rows (depending on the different RAS types)

PK: msg_id_seq

csm_ras_type_audit_pkey on (msg_id_seq)

Referenced by table Constraint Fields Key
csm_ras_event_action csm_ras_event_action_msg_id_seq_fkey msg_id_seq (FK)

csm_ras_type_audit (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                               Table "public.csm_ras_type_audit"
      Column      |            Type             |                                Modifiers                                | Storage  | Stats target |                                                       Description
 msg_id_seq       | bigint                      | not null default nextval('csm_ras_type_audit_msg_id_seq_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | a unique sequence number used to index the csm_ras_type_audit table
 operation        | character(1)                | not null                                                                | extended |              | I/D/U indicates whether the change to the csm_ras_type table was an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE
 change_time      | timestamp without time zone | not null                                                                | plain    |              | time_stamp indicating when this change occurred
 msg_id           | text                        | not null                                                                | extended |              | the identifier string for this RAS event. typically it consists of three parts separated by periods (system.component.id).
 severity         | ras_event_severity          | not null                                                                | plain    |              | severity of the RAS event. INFO/WARNING/FATAL
 message          | text                        |                                                                         | extended |              | ras message to display to the user (pre-variable substitution)
 description      | text                        |                                                                         | extended |              | description of the ras event
 control_action   | text                        |                                                                         | extended |              | name of control action script to invoke for this event.
 threshold_count  | integer                     |                                                                         | plain    |              | number of times this event has to occur during the (threshold_period) before taking action on the RAS event.
 threshold_period | integer                     |                                                                         | plain    |              | period in seconds over which to compare the number of event occurences to the threshold_count ).
 enabled          | boolean                     |                                                                         | plain    |              | events will be processed if enabled=true and suppressed if enabled=false
 set_state        | compute_node_states         |                                                                         | plain    |              | setting the state according to the node, DISCOVERED, IN_SERVICE, ADMIN_RESERVED, MAINTENANCE, SOFT_FAILURE, OUT_OF_SERVICE, HARD_FAILURE
 visible_to_users | boolean                     |                                                                         | plain    |              | when visible_to_users=true, RAS events of this type will be returned in the response to csm_ras_event_query_allocation
    "csm_ras_type_audit_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (msg_id_seq)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "csm_ras_event_action" CONSTRAINT "csm_ras_event_action_msg_id_seq_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (msg_id_seq) REFERENCES csm_ras_type_audit(msg_id_seq)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains all RAS events. This table will populate an enormous amount of records due to continuous event cycle. A solution needs to be in place to accommodate the mass amount of data produced. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

Million ++ rows

PK: rec_id
FK: csm_ras_type (msg_id_seq)

csm_ras_event_action_pkey on (rec_id)
ix_csm_ras_event_action_a on (msg_id)
ix_csm_ras_event_action_b on (time_stamp)
ix_csm_ras_event_action_c on (location_name)
ix_csm_ras_event_action_d on (time_stamp, msg_id)
ix_csm_ras_event_action_e on (time_stamp, location_name)
ix_csm_ras_event_action_f on (master_time_stamp)
ix_csm_ras_event_action_g on (ctid)
ix_csm_ras_event_action_h on (archive_history_time)

csm_ras_event_action (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                                  Table "public.csm_ras_event_action"
        Column        |            Type             |                               Modifiers                               | Storage  | Stats target |                                                            Description
 rec_id               | bigint                      | not null default nextval('csm_ras_event_action_rec_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | unique identifier for this specific ras event
 msg_id               | text                        | not null                                                              | extended |              | type of ras event
 msg_id_seq           | integer                     | not null                                                              | plain    |              | a unique sequence number used to index the csm_ras_type_audit table
 time_stamp           | timestamp without time zone | not null                                                              | plain    |              | The time supplied by the caller of csm_ras_event_create. Used for correlating between events based on the local time of the event source.
 master_time_stamp    | timestamp without time zone | not null                                                              | plain    |              | The time when the event is process by the CSM master daemon. Used for correlating node state changes with CSM master processing of RAS events.
 location_name        | text                        | not null                                                              | extended |              | this field can be a node name or location name
 count                | integer                     |                                                                       | plain    |              | how many times this event reoccurs
 message              | text                        |                                                                       | extended |              | message text
 kvcsv                | text                        |                                                                       | extended |              | event specific keys and values in a comma separated list
 raw_data             | text                        |                                                                       | extended |              | event/s raw data
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |                                                                       | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "csm_ras_event_action_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (rec_id)
    "ix_csm_ras_event_action_a" btree (msg_id)
    "ix_csm_ras_event_action_b" btree (time_stamp)
    "ix_csm_ras_event_action_c" btree (location_name)
    "ix_csm_ras_event_action_d" btree (time_stamp, msg_id)
    "ix_csm_ras_event_action_e" btree (time_stamp, location_name)
    "ix_csm_ras_event_action_f" btree (master_time_stamp)
    "ix_csm_ras_event_action_g" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_ras_event_action_h" btree (archive_history_time)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_ras_event_action_msg_id_seq_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (msg_id_seq) REFERENCES csm_ras_type_audit(msg_id_seq)
Has OIDs: no

CSM diagnostic tables


This table contains information about each of the diagnostic runs. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

1000+ rows

PK: run_id

csm_diag_run_pkey on (run_id)

insert/update/delete (API call)
Referenced by table Constraint Fields Key
csm_diag_result csm_diag_result_run_id_fkey run_id (FK)

csm_diag_run (DB table overview)

                                                                             Table "public.csm_diag_run"
    Column     |            Type             |             Modifiers              | Storage  | Stats target |                              Description
 run_id        | bigint                      | not null                           | plain    |              | diagnostic/s run id
 allocation_id | bigint                      |                                    | plain    |              | allocation that this diag_run is part of
 begin_time    | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()             | plain    |              | this is when the diagnostic run begins
 status        | character(16)               | not null default 'RUNNING'::bpchar | extended |              | diagnostic/s status (RUNNING,COMPLETED,FAILED,CANCELED,COMPLETED_FAIL)
 inserted_ras  | boolean                     | not null default false             | plain    |              | inserted diagnostic ras events t/f
 log_dir       | text                        | not null                           | extended |              | location of diagnostic/s log files
 cmd_line      | text                        |                                    | extended |              | how diagnostic program was invoked: program and
    "csm_diag_run_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (run_id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "csm_diag_result" CONSTRAINT "csm_diag_result_run_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (run_id) REFERENCES csm_diag_run(run_id)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information about each of the diagnostic runs. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

1000+ rows

ix_csm_diag_run_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_diag_run_history_b on (run_id)
ix_csm_diag_run_history_c on (allocation_id)
ix_csm_diag_run_history_d on (ctid)
ix_csm_diag_run_history_e on (archive_history_time)

csm_diag_run_history (DB table overview)

                                                                            Table "public.csm_diag_run_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | timestamp when it enters the history table
 run_id               | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | diagnostic/s run id
 allocation_id        | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | allocation that this diag_run is part of
 begin_time           | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | this is when the diagnostic run begins
 end_time             | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | this is when the diagnostic run ends
 status               | character(16)               | not null  | extended |              | diagnostic/s status (RUNNING,COMPLETED,FAILED,CANCELED,COMPLETED_FAIL)
 inserted_ras         | boolean                     | not null  | plain    |              | inserted diagnostic ras events t/f
 log_dir              | text                        | not null  | extended |              | location of diagnostic/s log files
 cmd_line             | text                        |           | extended |              | how diagnostic program was invoked: program and arguments
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_diag_run_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_diag_run_history_b" btree (run_id)
    "ix_csm_diag_run_history_c" btree (allocation_id)
    "ix_csm_diag_run_history_d" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_diag_run_history_e" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains the results of a specific instance of a diagnostic.
Table Overview Action On:

1000+ rows

FK: csm_diag_run (run_id)

ix_csm_diag_result_a on (run_id, test_case, node_name)



csm_diag_result (DB table overview)

                                                                               Table "public.csm_diag_result"
    Column     |            Type             |         Modifiers         | Storage  | Stats target |                                      Description
 run_id        | bigint                      |                           | plain    |              | diagnostic/s run id
 test_name     | text                        | not null                  | extended |              | the name of the specific testcase
 node_name     | text                        | not null                  | extended |              | identifies which node
 serial_number | text                        |                           | extended |              | serial number of the field replaceable unit (fru) that this diagnostic was run against
 begin_time    | timestamp without time zone |                           | plain    |              | the time when the task begins
 end_time      | timestamp without time zone | default now()             | plain    |              | the time when the task is complete
 status        | character(16)               | default 'unknown'::bpchar | extended |              | test status after the diagnostic finishes (pass, fail, completed_fail)
 log_file      | text                        |                           | extended |              | location of diagnostic/s log file
    "ix_csm_diag_result_a" btree (run_id, test_name, node_name)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_diag_result_run_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (run_id) REFERENCES csm_diag_run(run_id)
    tr_csm_diag_result_history_dump BEFORE DELETE ON csm_diag_result FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_diag_result_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical results of a specific instance of a diagnostic.
Table Overview Action On:

1000+ rows

ix_csm_diag_result_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_diag_result_history_b on (run_id)
ix_csm_diag_result_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_diag_result_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_diag_result_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                  Table "public.csm_diag_result_history"
        Column        |            Type             |         Modifiers         | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null                  | plain    |              | timestamp when it enters the history table
 run_id               | bigint                      |                           | plain    |              | diagnostic/s run id
 test_name            | text                        | not null                  | extended |              | the name of the specific testcase
 node_name            | text                        | not null                  | extended |              | identifies which node
 serial_number        | text                        |                           | extended |              | serial number of the field replaceable unit (fru) that this diagnostic was run against
 begin_time           | timestamp without time zone |                           | plain    |              | the time when the task begins
 end_time             | timestamp without time zone | default now()             | plain    |              | the time when the task is complete
 status               | character(16)               | default 'unknown'::bpchar | extended |              | test status after the diagnostic finishes (pass, fail, completed_fail)
 log_file             | text                        |                           | extended |              | location of diagnostic/s log file
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |                           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_diag_result_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_diag_result_history_b" btree (run_id)
    "ix_csm_diag_result_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_diag_result_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no

SSD partition and SSD logical volume tables


This table contains information about the logical volumes that are created within the compute nodes.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (depending on SSD usage)

PK: logical_volume_name, node_name
FK: csm_allocation (allocation_id)
FK: csm_vg (node_name, vg_name)

csm_lv_pkey on (logical_volume_name, node_name)
ix_csm_lv_a on (logical_volume_name)

insert/update/delete (API call)


csm_lv (DB table overview)

                                                             Table "public.csm_lv"
       Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                     Description
 logical_volume_name | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd partition
 node_name           | text                        | not null  | extended |              | node a part of this group
 allocation_id       | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | unique identifier for this allocation
 vg_name             | text                        | not null  | extended |              | volume group name
 state               | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | state: (c)reated, (m)ounted, (s)hrinking, (r)emoved
 current_size        | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | current size (in bytes)
 max_size            | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | max size (in bytes) at runtime
 begin_time          | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | when the partitioning begins
 updated_time        | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | when it was last updated
 file_system_mount   | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies the file system and mount point
 file_system_type    | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies the file system and its partition
    "csm_lv_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (logical_volume_name, node_name)
    "ix_csm_lv_a" btree (logical_volume_name)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_lv_allocation_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (allocation_id, node_name) REFERENCES csm_allocation_node(allocation_id, node_name)
    "csm_lv_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name, vg_name) REFERENCES csm_vg(node_name, vg_name)
    tr_csm_lv_update_history_dump BEFORE UPDATE OF state, current_size, updated_time ON csm_lv FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_lv_update_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information associated with previously active logical volumes.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (depending on step usage)

ix_csm_lv_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_lv_history_b on (logical_volume_name)
ix_csm_lv_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_lv_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_lv_history (DB table overview)

                                                                               Table "public.csm_lv_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | this is when the lv enters the history table
 logical_volume_name  | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd partition
 node_name            | text                        | not null  | extended |              | node a part of this group
 allocation_id        | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | unique identifier for this allocation
 vg_name              | text                        |           | extended |              | volume group name
 state                | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | state: (c)reated, (m)ounted, (s)hrinking, (r)emoved
 current_size         | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | current size (in bytes)
 max_size             | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | max size (in bytes) at runtime
 begin_time           | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | when the partitioning begins
 updated_time         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | when it was last updated
 end_time             | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | when the partitioning stage ends
 file_system_mount    | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies the file system and mount point
 file_system_type     | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies the file system and its partition
 num_bytes_read       | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of bytes read during the life of this partition
 num_bytes_written    | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of bytes written during the life of this partition
 operation            | character(1)                |           | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
 num_reads            | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of read during the life of this partition
 num_writes           | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | number of writes during the life of this partition
    "ix_csm_lv_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_lv_history_b" btree (logical_volume_name)
    "ix_csm_lv_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_lv_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information associated with lv updates.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (depending on step usage)

ix_csm_lv_update_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_lv_update_history_b on (logical_volume_name)
ix_csm_lv_update_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_lv_update_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_lv_update_history (DB table overview)

                                                                           Table "public.csm_lv_update_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | this is when the lv update enters the history table
 logical_volume_name  | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd partition
 allocation_id        | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | unique identifier for this allocation
 state                | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | state: (c)reate, (m)ounted, (s)hrinking, (r)emoved
 current_size         | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | current size (in bytes)
 updated_time         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | when it was last updated
 operation            | character(1)                |           | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_lv_update_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_lv_update_history_b" btree (logical_volume_name)
    "ix_csm_lv_update_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_lv_update_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains information that references both the SSD logical volume tables.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (depending on SSD usage)

FK: csm_ssd (serial_number, node_name)

csm_vg_ssd_pkey on (vg_name, node_name, serial_number)
ix_csm_vg_ssd_a on (vg_name, node_name, serial_number)
uk_csm_vg_ssd_a on (vg_name, node_name)



csm_vg_ssd (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                   Table "public.csm_vg_ssd"
     Column     |  Type  | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                                                                          Description
 vg_name        | text   | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd partition
 node_name      | text   | not null  | extended |              | identifies which node
 serial_number  | text   | not null  | extended |              | serial number for the ssd
 ssd_allocation | bigint | not null  | plain    |              | the amount of space (in bytes) that this ssd contributes to the volume group. Can not be less than zero. The total sum of these fields should equal total_size of the this vg in the vg table
    "uk_csm_vg_ssd_a" UNIQUE, btree (vg_name, node_name, serial_number)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_vg_ssd_serial_number_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (serial_number, node_name) REFERENCES csm_ssd(serial_number, node_name)
    "csm_vg_ssd_vg_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (vg_name, node_name) REFERENCES csm_vg(vg_name, node_name)
    tr_csm_vg_ssd_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_vg_ssd FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_vg_ssd_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information associated with SSD and logical volume tables.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (depending on step usage)

ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_b on (vg_name, node_name)
ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_vg_ssd_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                            Table "public.csm_vg_ssd_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                        Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | time when enters into the history table
 vg_name              | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd partition
 node_name            | text                        | not null  | extended |              | identifies which node
 serial_number        | text                        | not null  | extended |              | serial number for the ssd
 ssd_allocation       | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | the amount of space (in bytes) that this ssd contributes to the volume group. Can not be less than zero. The total sum of these fields should equal total_size of the this vg in the vg table
 operation            | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_b" btree (vg_name, node_name)
    "ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains information that references both the SSD logical volume tables.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (depending on step usage)

PK: vg_name, node_name
FK: csm_node (node_name)

csm_vg_pkey on (vg_name, node_name)


Referenced by table Constraint Fields Key
csm_lv csm_lv_node_name_fkey node_name, vg_name (FK)

csm_vg (DB table overview)

                                                                   Table "public.csm_vg"
     Column     |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                             Description
 vg_name        | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd partition
 node_name      | text                        | not null  | extended |              | identifies which node
 total_size     | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | volume group size. measured in bytes
 available_size | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | remaining bytes available out of total size.
 scheduler      | boolean                     | not null  | plain    |              | tells CSM whether or not this is the volume group for the scheduler.
 update_time    | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the vg was updated
    "csm_vg_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (vg_name, node_name)
Check constraints:
    "csm_available_size_should_be_less_than_total_size" CHECK (available_size <= total_size)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "csm_lv" CONSTRAINT "csm_lv_node_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (node_name, vg_name) REFERENCES csm_vg(node_name, vg_name)
    TABLE "csm_vg_ssd" CONSTRAINT "csm_vg_ssd_vg_name_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (vg_name, node_name) REFERENCES csm_vg(vg_name, node_name)
    tr_csm_vg_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_vg FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_vg_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information associated with SSD and logical volume tables.
Table Overview Action On:

5000+ rows (depending on step usage)

ix_csm_vg_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_vg_history_b on (vg_name, node_name)
ix_csm_vg_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_vg_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_vg_history (DB table overview)

                                                                               Table "public.csm_vg_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | time when enters into the history table
 vg_name              | text                        | not null  | extended |              | unique identifier for this ssd partition
 node_name            | text                        | not null  | extended |              | identifies which node
 total_size           | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | volume group size. measured in bytes
 available_size       | bigint                      | not null  | plain    |              | remaining bytes available out of total size.
 scheduler            | boolean                     | not null  | plain    |              | tells CSM whether or not this is the volume group for the scheduler.
 update_time          | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the vg was updated
 operation            | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_vg_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_vg_history_b" btree (vg_name, node_name)
    "ix_csm_vg_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_vg_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no

Switch & ib cable tables


This table contain information about the switch and it attributes. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

500 rows (Switches on a CORAL system)

PK: switch_name

csm_switch_pkey on (switch_name)


Referenced by table Constraint Fields Key
csm_switch_inventory csm_switch_inventory_host_system_guid_fkey host_system_guid (FK)

csm_switch (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                           Table "public.csm_switch"
         Column          |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                    Description
 switch_name             | text                        | not null  | extended |              | switch name: Identification of the system For hosts, it is caguid, For 1U switch, it is switchguid, For modular switches, is it sysimgguid
 serial_number           | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies the switch this information is for
 discovery_time          | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | time the switch collected at inventory time
 collection_time         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | time the switch was initially connected
 comment                 | text                        |           | extended |              | a comment can be generated for this field
 description             | text                        |           | extended |              | description of system – system type of this systems (More options: SHArP, MSX1710 , CS7520)
 fw_version              | text                        |           | extended |              | firmware version of the Switch or HCA
 gu_id                   | text                        |           | extended |              | Node guid of the system. In case of HCA, it is the caguid. In case of Switch, it is the switchguid
 has_ufm_agent           | boolean                     |           | plain    |              | indicate if system (Switch or Host) is running a UFM Agent
 hw_version              | text                        |           | extended |              | hardware version related to the switch
 ip                      | text                        |           | extended |              | ip address of the system (Switch or Host)  ( in case ip address not available)
 model                   | text                        |           | extended |              | system model – in case of switch, it is the switch model, For hosts – Computer
 num_modules             | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of modules attached to this switch. This is the number of expected records in the csm_switch inventory table associated with this switch name.
 physical_frame_location | text                        |           | extended |              | where the switch is located
 physical_u_location     | text                        |           | extended |              | physical u location (position in the frame) where the switch is located
 ps_id                   | text                        |           | extended |              | PSID (Parameter-Set IDentification) is a 16-ascii character string embedded in the firmware image which provides a unique identification for the configuration of the firmware.
 role                    | text                        |           | extended |              | Type/Role of system in the current fabric topology: Tor / Core / Endpoint (host). (Optional Values: core, tor, endpoint)
 server_operation_mode   | text                        |           | extended |              | Operation mode of system. (Optional Values: Stand_Alone, HA_Active, HA_StandBy, Not_UFM_Server, Router, Gateway, Switch)
 sm_mode                 | text                        |           | extended |              | Indicate if SM is running on that system. (Optional Values: no SM, activeSM, hasSM)
 state                   | text                        |           | extended |              | runtime state of the system. (Optional Values: active, rebooting, down, error (failed to reboot))
 sw_version              | text                        |           | extended |              | software version of the system – full MLNX_OS version. Relevant only for MLNX-OS systems (Not available for Hosts)
 system_guid             | text                        |           | extended |              | system image guid for that system
 system_name             | text                        |           | extended |              | system name as it appear on the system node description
 total_alarms            | integer                     |           | plain    |              | total number of alarms which are currently exist on the system
 type                    | text                        |           | extended |              | type of system. (Optional Values: switch, host, gateway)
 vendor                  | text                        |           | extended |              | system vendor
    "csm_switch_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (switch_name)
    "uk_csm_switch_gu_id_a" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (gu_id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "csm_switch_inventory" CONSTRAINT "csm_switch_inventory_host_system_guid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (host_system_guid) REFERENCES csm_switch(gu_id)
    tr_csm_switch_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_switch FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_switch_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information associated with individual switches.
Table Overview Action On:

(Based on failure rate/ or how often changed out)

ix_csm_switch_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_switch_history_b on (serial_number, history_time)
ix_csm_switch_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_switch_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_switch_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                       Table "public.csm_switch_history"
         Column          |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                    Description
 history_time            | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | the time when the switch enters the history table
 switch_name             | text                        | not null  | extended |              | switch name: Identification of the system For hosts, it is caguid, For 1U switch, it is switchguid, For modular switches, is it sysimgguid
 serial_number           | text                        |           | extended |              | identifies the switch this information is for
 discovery_time          | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | time the switch collected at inventory time
 collection_time         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | time the switch was initially connected
 comment                 | text                        |           | extended |              | a comment can be generated for this field
 description             | text                        |           | extended |              | Description of system – system type of this systems (More options: SHArP, MSX1710 , CS7520)
 fw_version              | text                        |           | extended |              | firmware version of the Switch or HCA
 gu_id                   | text                        |           | extended |              | Node guid of the system. In case of HCA, it is the caguid. In case of Switch, it is the switchguid
 has_ufm_agent           | boolean                     |           | plain    |              | Indicate if system (Switch or Host) is running a UFM Agent
 hw_version              | text                        |           | extended |              | hardware version related to the switch
 ip                      | text                        |           | extended |              | ip address of the system (Switch or Host)  ( in case ip address not available)
 model                   | text                        |           | extended |              | System model – in case of switch, it is the switch model, For hosts – Computer
 num_modules             | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of modules attached to this switch. This is the number of expected records in the csm_switch inventory table associated with this switch name.
 physical_frame_location | text                        |           | extended |              | where the switch is located
 physical_u_location     | text                        |           | extended |              | physical u location (position in the frame) where the switch is located
 ps_id                   | text                        |           | extended |              | PSID (Parameter-Set IDentification) is a 16-ascii character string embedded in the firmware image which provides a unique identification for the configuration of the firmware.
 role                    | text                        |           | extended |              | Type/Role of system in the current fabric topology: Tor / Core / Endpoint (host). (Optional Values: core, tor, endpoint)
 server_operation_mode   | text                        |           | extended |              | Operation mode of system. (Optional Values: Stand_Alone, HA_Active, HA_StandBy, Not_UFM_Server, Router, Gateway, Switch)
 sm_mode                 | text                        |           | extended |              | Indicate if SM is running on that system. (Optional Values: no SM, activeSM, hasSM)
 state                   | text                        |           | extended |              | runtime state of the system. (Optional Values: active, rebooting, down, error (failed to reboot))
 sw_version              | text                        |           | extended |              | software version of the system – full MLNX_OS version. Relevant only for MLNX-OS systems (Not available for Hosts)
 system_guid             | text                        |           | extended |              | system image guid for that system
 system_name             | text                        |           | extended |              | system name as it appear on the system node description
 total_alarms            | integer                     |           | plain    |              | total number of alarms which are currently exist on the system
 type                    | text                        |           | extended |              | type of system. (Optional Values: switch, host, gateway)
 vendor                  | text                        |           | extended |              | system_vendor
 operation               | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time    | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to:
 BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_switch_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_switch_history_b" btree (switch_name, history_time)
    "ix_csm_switch_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_switch_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains information about the InfiniBand cables. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

25,000+ rows (Based on switch topology and
or configuration)

PK: serial_number

csm_ib_cable_pkey on (serial_number)



csm_ib_cable (DB table overview)

                                                                                   Table "public.csm_ib_cable"
     Column      |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                                Description
 serial_number   | text                        | not null  | extended |              | identifies the cables serial number
 discovery_time  | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | First time the ib cable was found in the system
 collection_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | Last time the ib cable inventory was collected
 comment         | text                        |           | extended |              | comment can be generated for this field
 guid_s1         | text                        |           | extended |              | guid: side 1 of the cable
 guid_s2         | text                        |           | extended |              | guid: side 2 of the cable
 identifier      | text                        |           | extended |              | cable identifier (example value: QSFP+)
 length          | text                        |           | extended |              | the length of the cable
 name            | text                        |           | extended |              | name (Id) of link object in UFM. Based on link sorce and destination.
 part_number     | text                        |           | extended |              | part number of this particular ib cable
 port_s1         | text                        |           | extended |              | port: side 1 of the cable
 port_s2         | text                        |           | extended |              | port: side 2 of the cable
 revision        | text                        |           | extended |              | hardware revision associated with this ib cable
 severity        | text                        |           | extended |              | severity associated with this ib cable (severity of link according to highest severity of related events)
 type            | text                        |           | extended |              | field from UFM (technology ) - the specific type of cable used (example used : copper cable - unequalized)
 width           | text                        |           | extended |              | the width of the cable - physical state of IB port (Optional Values: IB_1x ,IB_4x, IB_8x, IB_12x)
    "csm_ib_cable_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (serial_number)
    tr_csm_ib_cable_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_ib_cable FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_ib_cable_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information about the InfiniBand cables.
Table Overview Action On:

25,000+ rows (Based on switch topology and
or configuration)

ix_csm_ib_cable_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_ib_cable_history_b on (serial_number)
ix_csm_ib_cable_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_ib_cable_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_ib_cable_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                  Table "public.csm_ib_cable_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                                Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | the time when the cable enters the history table
 serial_number        | text                        | not null  | extended |              | identifies the cables serial number
 discovery_time       | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | first time the ib cable was found in the system
 collection_time      | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | comment can be generated for this field
 comment              | text                        |           | extended |              | comment can be generated for this field
 guid_s1              | text                        |           | extended |              | guid: side 1 of the cable
 guid_s2              | text                        |           | extended |              | guid: side 2 of the cable
 identifier           | text                        |           | extended |              | cable identifier (example value: QSFP+)
 length               | text                        |           | extended |              | the length of the cable
 name                 | text                        |           | extended |              | name (Id) of link object in UFM. Based on link sorce and destination.
 part_number          | text                        |           | extended |              | part number of this particular ib cable
 port_s1              | text                        |           | extended |              | port: side 1 of the cable
 port_s2              | text                        |           | extended |              | port: side 2 of the cable
 revision             | text                        |           | extended |              | hardware revision associated with this ib cable
 severity             | text                        |           | extended |              | severity associated with this ib cable (severity of link according to highest severity of related events)
 type                 | text                        |           | extended |              | field from UFM (technology ) - the specific type of cable used (example used : copper cable - unequalized)
 width                | text                        |           | extended |              | the width of the cable - physical state of IB port (Optional Values: IB_1x ,IB_4x, IB_8x, IB_12x)
 operation            | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_ib_cable_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_ib_cable_history_b" btree (serial_number)
    "ix_csm_ib_cable_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_ib_cable_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table contains information about the switch inventory. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

25,000+ rows (Based on switch topology and
or configuration)

PK: name
FK: csm_switch (switch_name)

csm_switch_inventory_pkey on (name)



csm_switch_inventory (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                   Table "public.csm_switch_inventory"
      Column      |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |              Description
 name             | text                        | not null  | extended |              | name (identifier) of this module in UFM.
 host_system_guid | text                        | not null  | extended |              | the system image guid of the hosting system.
 discovery_time   | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | first time the module was found in the system
 collection_time  | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | last time the module inventory was collected
 comment          | text                        |           | extended |              | system administrator comment about this module
 description      | text                        |           | extended |              | description type of module - can be the module type: system, FAN, MGMT,PS or the type of module in case of line / spine modules: SIB7510(Barracud line), SIB7520(Barracuda spine)
 device_name      | text                        |           | extended |              | name of device containing this module.
 device_type      | text                        |           | extended |              | type of device module belongs to.
 hw_version       | text                        |           | extended |              | hardware version related to the switch
 max_ib_ports     | integer                     |           | plain    |              | maximum number of external ports of this module.
 module_index     | integer                     |           | plain    |              | index of module. Each module type has separate index: FAN1,FAN2,FAN3…PS1,PS2
 number_of_chips  | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of chips which are contained in this module. (relevant only for line / spine modules, for all other modules number_of_chips=0)
 path             | text                        |           | extended |              | full path of module object. Path format: site-name (number of devices) / device type: device-name / module description module index.
 serial_number    | text                        |           | extended |              | serial_number of the module.
 severity         | text                        |           | extended |              | severity of the module according to the highest severity of related events. values: Info, Warning, Minor, Critical
 status           | text                        |           | extended |              | current module status. valid values: ok, fault
 type             | text                        |           | extented |              | The category of this piece of hardware inventory. For example: "FAN", "PS", "SYSTEM", or "MGMT".
 fw_version       | text                        |           | extented |              | The firmware version on this piece of inventory.
    "csm_switch_inventory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (name)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "csm_switch_inventory_host_system_guid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (host_system_guid) REFERENCES csm_switch(gu_id)
    tr_csm_switch_inventory_history_dump BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_switch_inventory FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_switch_inventory_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information about the switch inventory.
Table Overview Action On:

25,000+ rows (Based on switch topolog and or configuration)

ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_b on (name)
ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_switch_inventory_history (DB table overview)

                                                                                                                 Table "public.csm_switch_inventory_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                  Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | the time when the inventory record enters the history table
 name                 | text                        | not null  | extended |              | name (identifier) of this module in UFM.
 host_system_guid     | text                        | not null  | extended |              | the system image guid of the hosting system.
 discovery_time       | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | first time the module was found in the system
 collection_time      | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | last time the module inventory was collected
 comment              | text                        |           | extended |              | system administrator comment about this module
 description          | text                        |           | extended |              | description type of module - can be the module type: system, FAN, MGMT,PS or the type of module in case of line / spine modules: SIB7510(Barracud line), SIB7520(Barracuda spine)
 device_name          | text                        |           | extended |              | name of device containing this module.
 device_type          | text                        |           | extended |              | type of device module belongs to.
 hw_version           | text                        |           | extended |              | hardware version related to the switch
 max_ib_ports         | integer                     |           | plain    |              | maximum number of external ports of this module.
 module_index         | integer                     |           | plain    |              | index of module. Each module type has separate index: FAN1,FAN2,FAN3…PS1,PS2
 number_of_chips      | integer                     |           | plain    |              | number of chips which are contained in this module. (relevant only for line / spine modules, for all other modules number_of_chips=0)
 path                 | text                        |           | extended |              | full path of module object. Path format: site-name (number of devices) / device type: device-name / module description module index.
 serial_number        | text                        |           | extended |              | serial_number of the module.
 severity             | text                        |           | extended |              | severity of the module according to the highest severity of related events. values: Info, Warning, Minor, Critical
 status               | text                        |           | extended |              | current module status. valid values: ok, fault
 operation            | character(1)                | not null  | extended |              | operation of transaction (I - INSERT), (U - UPDATE), (D - DELETE)
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
 type                 | text                        |           | extented |              | The category of this piece of hardware inventory. For example: "FAN", "PS", "SYSTEM", or "MGMT".
 fw_version           | text                        |           | extented |              | The firmware version on this piece of inventory.
    "ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_b" btree (name)
    "ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no

CSM configuration tables


This table contains information about the CSM configuration.
Table Overview Action On:

1 row (Based on configuration changes)

PK: config_id

csm_config_pkey on (csm_config_id)



csm_config (DB table overview)

                                                                                                  Table "public.csm_config"
         Column         |            Type             |                             Modifiers                              | Storage  | Stats target |                       Description
 csm_config_id          | bigint                      | not null default nextval('csm_config_csm_config_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | the configuration identification
 local_socket           | text                        |                                                                    | extended |              | socket to use to local csm daemon
 mqtt_broker            | text                        |                                                                    | extended |              | ip: port
 log_level              | text[]                      |                                                                    | extended |              | db#, daemon.compute, daemon.aggragator, daemon.master, daemon.utility
 buckets                | text[]                      |                                                                    | extended |              | list of items to execute in buckets
 jitter_window_interval | integer                     |                                                                    | plain    |              | jitter interval for compute agent (how often to wake up)
 jitter_window_duration | integer                     |                                                                    | plain    |              | jitter duration for compute agent (duration of the window)
 path_certificate       | text                        |                                                                    | extended |              | location of certificates for authentication
 path_log               | text                        |                                                                    | extended |              | path where the daemon will log
 create_time            | timestamp without time zone |                                                                    | plain    |              | when these logs were created
    "csm_config_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (csm_config_id)
    tr_csm_config_history_dump BEFORE DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_config FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_config_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This table contains historical information about the CSM configuration.
Table Overview Action On:

1-100 rows

ix_csm_config_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_config_history_b on (csm_config_id)
ix_csm_config_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_config_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_config_history (DB table overview)

                                                                              Table "public.csm_config_history"
         Column         |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time           | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | the time when the configuration enters the history table
 csm_config_id          | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | the configuration identification
 local_socket           | text                        |           | extended |              | socket to use to local csm daemon
 mqtt_broker            | text                        |           | extended |              | ip: port
 log_level              | text[]                      |           | extended |              | db#, daemon.compute, daemon.aggragator, daemon.master, daemon.utility
 buckets                | text[]                      |           | extended |              | list of items to execute in buckets
 jitter_window_interval | integer                     |           | plain    |              | jitter interval for compute agent (how often to wake up)
 jitter_window_duration | integer                     |           | plain    |              | jitter duration for compute agent (duration of the window)
 path_certificate       | text                        |           | extended |              | location of certificates for authentication
 path_log               | text                        |           | extended |              | path where the daemon will log
 create_time            | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | when these logs were created
 archive_history_time   | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_config_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_config_history_b" btree (csm_config_id)
    "ix_csm_config_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_config_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no


This table is the list of items that will placed in the bucket. See table below for details.
Table Overview Action On:

1-400 rows (Based on configuration changes)

ix_csm_config_bucket_a on
(bucket_id, item_list, time_stamp)

csm_config_bucket (DB table overview)

                                                 Table "public.csm_config_bucket"
       Column       |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |               Description
 bucket_id          | integer                     |           | plain    |              | this is the identification of the bucket
 item_list          | bigint                      |           | plain    |              | the item list within in the bucket
 execution_interval | text                        |           | extended |              | execution interval (the counter)
 time_stamp         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | time when the process takes place
    "ix_csm_config_bucket_a" btree (bucket_id, item_list, time_stamp)
Has OIDs: no

CSM DB schema version tables


This is the current database schema version when loaded.
Table Overview Action On:

1-100 rows (Based on CSM DB changes)

PK: version

csm_db_schema_version_pkey on (version)
ix_csm_db_schema_version_a on (version, create_time)



csm_db_schema_version (DB table overview)

                                               Table "public.csm_db_schema_version"
   Column    |            Type             |   Modifiers   | Storage  | Stats target |                 Description
 version     | text                        | not null      | extended |              | this is the current database schema version
 create_time | timestamp without time zone | default now() | plain    |              | time when the db was created
 comment     | text                        |               | extended |              | comment
    "csm_db_schema_version_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (version)
    "ix_csm_db_schema_version_a" btree (version, create_time)
    tr_csm_db_schema_version_history_dump BEFORE DELETE OR UPDATE ON csm_db_schema_version FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_csm_db_schema_version_history_dump()
Has OIDs: no


This is the historical database schema version (if changes have been made)
Table Overview Action On:

1-100 rows (Based on CSM DB changes/updates)

ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_a on (history_time)
ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_b on (version)
ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_c on (ctid)
ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_d on (archive_history_time)

csm_db_schema_version_history (DB table overview)

                                                                       Table "public.csm_db_schema_version_history"
        Column        |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target |                                          Description
 history_time         | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |              | the time when the schema version enters the history table
 version              | text                        |           | extended |              | this is the current database schema version
 create_time          | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | time when the db was created
 comment              | text                        |           | extended |              | comment
 archive_history_time | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    |              | timestamp when the history data has been archived and sent to: BDS, archive file, and or other
    "ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_a" btree (history_time)
    "ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_b" btree (version)
    "ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_c" btree (ctid)
    "ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_d" btree (archive_history_time)
Has OIDs: no

PK, FK, UK keys and Index Charts

Primary Keys (default Indexes)

Index Name Table Name Index on Column Names
csm_allocation_pkey csm_allocation pkey index on allocation_id
csm_config_pkey csm_config pkey index on csm_config_id
csm_db_schema_version_pkey csm_db_schema_version pkey index on version
csm_diag_run_pkey csm_diag_run pkey index on run_id
csm_dimm_pkey csm_dimm pkey index on node_name, serial_number
csm_gpu_pkey csm_gpu pkey index on node_name, gpu_id
csm_hca_pkey csm_hca pkey index on serial_number, node_name
csm_ib_cable_pkey csm_ib_cable pkey index on serial_number
csm_lv_pkey csm_lv pkey index on node_name, logical_volume_name
csm_node_pkey csm_node pkey index on node_name
csm_processor_socket_pkey csm_processor_socket pkey index on serial_number, node_name
csm_ras_event_action_pkey csm_ras_event_action pkey index on rec_id
csm_ras_type_pkey csm_ras_type pkey index on msg_id
csm_ras_type_audit_pkey csm_ras_type_audit pkey index on msg_id_seq
csm_ssd_pkey csm_ssd pkey index on node_name, serial_number
csm_step_pkey csm_step pkey index on step_id, allocation_id
csm_switch_pkey csm_switch pkey index on switch_name
csm_switch_inventory_pkey csm_switch_inventory pkey index on name
csm_vg_pkey csm_vg pkey index on vg_name, node_name

Foreign Keys

Index Name From Table From Cols To Table To Cols
csm_allocation_node_allocation_id_fkey csm_allocation_node allocation_id csm_allocation allocation_id
csm_allocation_node_node_name_fkey csm_allocation_node node_name csm_node node_name
csm_diag_result_run_id_fkey csm_diag_result run_id csm_diag_run run_id
csm_dimm_node_name_fkey csm_dimm node_name csm_node node_name
csm_gpu_node_name_fkey csm_gpu node_name csm_node node_name
csm_hca_node_name_fkey csm_hca node_name csm_node node_name
csm_lv_allocation_id_fkey csm_lv allocation_id, node_name csm_allocation_node allocation_id, node_name
csm_lv_node_name_fkey csm_lv node_name, vg_name csm_vg node_name, vg_name
csm_processor_socket_node_name_fkey csm_processor_socket node_name csm_node node_name
csm_ras_event_action_msg_id_seq_fkey csm_ras_event_action msg_id_seq csm_ras_type_audit msg_id_seq
csm_ssd_node_name_fkey csm_ssd node_name csm_node node_name
csm_step_allocation_id_fkey csm_step allocation_id csm_allocation allocation_id
csm_step_node_allocation_id_fkey csm_step_node allocation_id, node_name csm_allocation_node allocation_id, node_name
csm_step_node_step_id_fkey csm_step_node step_id, allocation_id csm_step step_id, allocation_id
csm_switch_inventory_host_system_guid_fkey csm_switch_inventory host_system_guid csm_switch gu_id
csm_vg_ssd_serial_number_fkey csm_vg_ssd serial_number, node_name csm_ssd serial_number, node_name
csm_vg_ssd_vg_name_fkey csm_vg_ssd vg_name, node_name csm_vg vg_name, node_name


Index Name Table Name Index on Column Names
ix_csm_allocation_history_a csm_allocation_history index on history_time
ix_csm_allocation_history_b csm_allocation_history index on allocation_id
ix_csm_allocation_history_c csm_allocation_history index on ctid
ix_csm_allocation_history_d csm_allocation_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_allocation_node_a csm_allocation_node index on allocation_id
ix_csm_allocation_node_history_a csm_allocation_node_history index on history_time
ix_csm_allocation_node_history_b csm_allocation_node_history index on allocation_id
ix_csm_allocation_node_history_c csm_allocation_node_history index on ctid
ix_csm_allocation_node_history_d csm_allocation_node_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_allocation_state_history_a csm_allocation_state_history index on history_time
ix_csm_allocation_state_history_b csm_allocation_state_history index on allocation_id
ix_csm_allocation_state_history_c csm_allocation_state_history index on ctid
ix_csm_allocation_state_history_d csm_allocation_state_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_config_bucket_a csm_config_bucket index on time_stamp, bucket_id, item_list
ix_csm_config_history_a csm_config_history index on history_time
ix_csm_config_history_b csm_config_history index on csm_config_id
ix_csm_config_history_c csm_config_history index on ctid
ix_csm_config_history_d csm_config_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_db_schema_version_a csm_db_schema_version index on create_time, version
ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_a csm_db_schema_version_history index on history_time
ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_b csm_db_schema_version_history index on version
ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_c csm_db_schema_version_history index on ctid
ix_csm_db_schema_version_history_d csm_db_schema_version_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_diag_result_a csm_diag_result index on node_name, test_name, run_id
ix_csm_diag_result_history_a csm_diag_result_history index on history_time
ix_csm_diag_result_history_b csm_diag_result_history index on run_id
ix_csm_diag_result_history_c csm_diag_result_history index on ctid
ix_csm_diag_result_history_d csm_diag_result_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_diag_run_history_a csm_diag_run_history index on history_time
ix_csm_diag_run_history_b csm_diag_run_history index on run_id
ix_csm_diag_run_history_c csm_diag_run_history index on allocation_id
ix_csm_diag_run_history_d csm_diag_run_history index on ctid
ix_csm_diag_run_history_e csm_diag_run_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_dimm_history_a csm_dimm_history index on history_time
ix_csm_dimm_history_b csm_dimm_history index on node_name, serial_number
ix_csm_dimm_history_c csm_dimm_history index on ctid
ix_csm_dimm_history_d csm_dimm_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_gpu_history_a csm_gpu_history index on history_time
ix_csm_gpu_history_b csm_gpu_history index on serial_number
ix_csm_gpu_history_c csm_gpu_history index on node_name, gpu_id
ix_csm_gpu_history_d csm_gpu_history index on ctid
ix_csm_gpu_history_e csm_gpu_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_hca_history_a csm_hca_history index on history_time
ix_csm_hca_history_b csm_hca_history index on node_name, serial_number
ix_csm_hca_history_c csm_hca_history index on ctid
ix_csm_hca_history_d csm_hca_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_ib_cable_history_a csm_ib_cable_history index on history_time
ix_csm_ib_cable_history_b csm_ib_cable_history index on serial_number
ix_csm_ib_cable_history_c csm_ib_cable_history index on ctid
ix_csm_ib_cable_history_d csm_ib_cable_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_lv_a csm_lv index on logical_volume_name
ix_csm_lv_history_a csm_lv_history index on history_time
ix_csm_lv_history_b csm_lv_history index on logical_volume_name
ix_csm_lv_history_c csm_lv_history index on ctid
ix_csm_lv_history_d csm_lv_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_lv_update_history_a csm_lv_update_history index on history_time
ix_csm_lv_update_history_b csm_lv_update_history index on logical_volume_name
ix_csm_lv_update_history_c csm_lv_update_history index on ctid
ix_csm_lv_update_history_d csm_lv_update_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_node_a csm_node index on state, node_name
ix_csm_node_history_a csm_node_history index on history_time
ix_csm_node_history_b csm_node_history index on node_name
ix_csm_node_history_c csm_node_history index on ctid
ix_csm_node_history_d csm_node_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_node_state_history_a csm_node_state_history index on history_time
ix_csm_node_state_history_b csm_node_state_history index on state, node_name
ix_csm_node_state_history_c csm_node_state_history index on ctid
ix_csm_node_state_history_d csm_node_state_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_processor_socket_history_a csm_processor_socket_history index on history_time
ix_csm_processor_socket_history_b csm_processor_socket_history index on serial_number, node_name
ix_csm_processor_socket_history_c csm_processor_socket_history index on ctid
ix_csm_processor_socket_history_d csm_processor_socket_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_ras_event_action_a csm_ras_event_action index on msg_id
ix_csm_ras_event_action_b csm_ras_event_action index on time_stamp
ix_csm_ras_event_action_c csm_ras_event_action index on location_name
ix_csm_ras_event_action_d csm_ras_event_action index on time_stamp, msg_id
ix_csm_ras_event_action_e csm_ras_event_action index on time_stamp, location_name
ix_csm_ras_event_action_f csm_ras_event_action index on master_time_stamp
ix_csm_ras_event_action_g csm_ras_event_action index on ctid
ix_csm_ras_event_action_h csm_ras_event_action index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_ssd_history_a csm_ssd_history index on history_time
ix_csm_ssd_history_b csm_ssd_history index on serial_number, node_name
ix_csm_ssd_history_c csm_ssd_history index on ctid
ix_csm_ssd_history_d csm_ssd_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_a csm_ssd_wear_history index on history_time
ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_b csm_ssd_wear_history index on serial_number, node_name
ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_c csm_ssd_wear_history index on ctid
ix_csm_ssd_wear_history_d csm_ssd_wear_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_step_history_a csm_step_history index on history_time
ix_csm_step_history_b csm_step_history index on end_time, begin_time
ix_csm_step_history_c csm_step_history index on end_time, allocation_id
ix_csm_step_history_d csm_step_history index on end_time
ix_csm_step_history_e csm_step_history index on step_id
ix_csm_step_history_f csm_step_history index on ctid
ix_csm_step_history_g csm_step_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_step_node_b csm_step_node index on allocation_id
ix_csm_step_node_c csm_step_node index on allocation_id, step_id
ix_csm_step_node_history_a csm_step_node_history index on history_time
ix_csm_step_node_history_b csm_step_node_history index on allocation_id
ix_csm_step_node_history_c csm_step_node_history index on step_id, allocation_id
ix_csm_step_node_history_d csm_step_node_history index on ctid
ix_csm_step_node_history_e csm_step_node_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_switch_history_a csm_switch_history index on history_time
ix_csm_switch_history_b csm_switch_history index on switch_name, history_time
ix_csm_switch_history_c csm_switch_history index on ctid
ix_csm_switch_history_d csm_switch_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_a csm_switch_inventory_history index on history_time
ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_b csm_switch_inventory_history index on name
ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_c csm_switch_inventory_history index on ctid
ix_csm_switch_inventory_history_d csm_switch_inventory_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_vg_history_a csm_vg_history index on history_time
ix_csm_vg_history_b csm_vg_history index on node_name, vg_name
ix_csm_vg_history_c csm_vg_history index on ctid
ix_csm_vg_history_d csm_vg_history index on archive_history_time
ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_a csm_vg_ssd_history index on history_time
ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_b csm_vg_ssd_history index on vg_name, node_name
ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_c csm_vg_ssd_history index on ctid
ix_csm_vg_ssd_history_d csm_vg_ssd_history index on archive_history_time

Unique UKs

Index Name Table Name Index on Column Names
uk_csm_allocation_node_b csm_allocation_node uniqueness on allocation_id, node_name
uk_csm_ssd_a csm_ssd uniqueness on serial_number, node_name
uk_csm_step_a csm_step uniqueness on allocation_id, step_id
uk_csm_step_node_a csm_step_node uniqueness on node_name, step_id, allocation_id
uk_csm_switch_gu_id_a csm_switch uniqueness on gu_id
uk_csm_vg_ssd_a csm_vg_ssd uniqueness on vg_name, node_name, serial_number

Functions and Triggers

Function Name Trigger Name Trigger Table Trigger Type Result Data Type Action On Argument Data Type Description
fn_csm_allocation_create_data_aggregator (Stored Procedure)     timestamp without time zone   i_allocation_id bigint, i_state text, i_node_names text[], i_ib_rx_list bigint[], i_ib_tx_list bigint[], i_gpfs_read_list bigint[], i_gpfs_write_list bigint[], i_energy bigint[], i_power_cap integer[], i_ps_ratio integer[], i_power_cap_hit bigint[], i_gpu_energy bigint[], OUT o_timestamp timestamp without time zone csm_allocation_node function to populate the data aggregator fields in csm_allocation_node.
fn_csm_allocation_dead_records_on_lv (Stored Procedure)     void   i_allocation_id bigint Delete any lvs on an allocation that is being deleted.
fn_csm_allocation_delete_start (Stored Procedure)     record   i_allocation_id bigint, i_primary_job_id bigint, i_secondary_job_id integer, i_timeout_time bigint, OUT o_allocation_id bigint, OUT o_primary_job_id bigint, OUT o_secondary_job_id integer, OUT o_user_flags text, OUT o_system_flags text, OUT o_num_nodes integer, OUT o_state text, OUT o_type text, OUT o_isolated_cores integer, OUT o_user_name text, OUT o_nodelist text, OUT o_runtime bigint Retrieves allocation details for delete a d sets the state to deleteing.
fn_csm_allocation_finish_data_stats (Stored Procedure)     record   allocationid bigint, i_state text, node_names text[], ib_rx_list bigint[], ib_tx_list bigint[], gpfs_read_list bigint[], gpfs_write_list bigint[], energy_list bigint[], pc_hit_list bigint[], gpu_usage_list bigint[], cpu_usage_list bigint[], mem_max_list bigint[], gpu_energy_list bigint[], OUT o_end_time timestamp without time zone, OUT o_final_state text csm_allocation function to finalize the data aggregator fields.
fn_csm_allocation_history_dump (Stored Procedure)     timestamp without time zone   allocationid bigint, endtime timestamp without time zone, exitstatus integer, i_state text, finalize boolean, node_names text[], ib_rx_list bigint[], ib_tx_list bigint[], gpfs_read_list bigint[], gpfs_write_list bigint[], energy_list bigint[], pc_hit_list bigint[], gpu_usage_list bigint[], cpu_usage_list bigint[], mem_max_list bigint[], gpu_energy_list bigint[], OUT o_end_time timestamp without time zone csm_allocation function to amend summarized column(s) on DELETE. (csm_allocation_history_dump)
fn_csm_allocation_node_change tr_csm_allocation_node_change csm_allocation_node BEFORE trigger DELETE   csm_allocation_node function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_allocation_node_sharing_status (Stored Procedure)     void   i_allocation_id bigint, i_type text, i_state text, i_shared boolean, i_nodenames text[] csm_allocation_sharing_status function to handle exclusive usage of shared nodes on INSERT.
fn_csm_allocation_revert (Stored Procedure)     void   allocationid bigint Removes all traces of an allocation that never multicasted.
fn_csm_allocation_state_history_state_change tr_csm_allocation_state_change csm_allocation BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE   csm_allocation_state_change function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE.
fn_csm_allocation_update tr_csm_allocation_update csm_allocation BEFORE trigger UPDATE   csm_allocation_update function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE.
fn_csm_allocation_update_state (Stored Procedure)     record   i_allocationid bigint, i_state text, OUT o_primary_job_id bigint, OUT o_secondary_job_id integer, OUT o_user_flags text, OUT o_system_flags text, OUT o_num_nodes integer, OUT o_nodes text, OUT o_isolated_cores integer, OUT o_user_name text, OUT o_shared boolean, OUT o_num_gpus integer, OUT o_num_processors integer, OUT o_projected_memory integer, OUT o_state text, OUT o_runtime bigint, OUT o_smt_mode smallint, OUT o_core_blink boolean csm_allocation_update_state function that ensures the allocation can be legally updated to the supplied state
fn_csm_config_history_dump tr_csm_config_history_dump csm_config BEFORE trigger UPDATE, DELETE   csm_config function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_db_schema_version_history_dump tr_csm_db_schema_version_history_dump csm_db_schema_version BEFORE trigger UPDATE, DELETE   csm_db_schema_version function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_diag_result_history_dump tr_csm_diag_result_history_dump csm_diag_result BEFORE trigger DELETE   csm_diag_result function to amend summarized column(s) on DELETE.
fn_csm_diag_run_history_dump (Stored Procedure)     void   _run_id bigint, _end_time timestamp with time zone, _status text, _inserted_ras boolean csm_diag_run function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE. (csm_diag_run_history_dump)
fn_csm_dimm_history_dump tr_csm_dimm_history_dump csm_dimm BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_dimm function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_gpu_history_dump tr_csm_gpu_history_dump csm_gpu BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_gpu function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_hca_history_dump tr_csm_hca_history_dump csm_hca BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_hca function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_ib_cable_history_dump tr_csm_ib_cable_history_dump csm_ib_cable BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_ib_cable function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_ib_cable_inventory_collection (Stored Procedure)     record   i_record_count integer, i_serial_number text[], i_comment text[], i_guid_s1 text[], i_guid_s2 text[], i_identifier text[], i_length text[], i_name text[], i_part_number text[], i_port_s1 text[], i_port_s2 text[], i_revision text[], i_severity text[], i_type text[], i_width text[], OUT o_insert_count integer, OUT o_update_count integer, OUT o_delete_count integer function to INSERT and UPDATE ib cable inventory.
fn_csm_lv_history_dump (Stored Procedure)     void   i_logical_volume_name text, i_node_name text, i_allocationid bigint, i_updated_time timestamp without time zone, i_end_time timestamp without time zone, i_num_bytes_read bigint, i_num_bytes_written bigint, i_num_reads bigint, i_num_writes bigint csm_lv function to amend summarized column(s) on DELETE. (csm_lv_history_dump)
fn_csm_lv_modified_history_dump (Stored Procedure)     trigger      
fn_csm_lv_update_history_dump tr_csm_lv_update_history_dump csm_lv BEFORE trigger UPDATE   csm_lv_update_history_dump function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE.
fn_csm_lv_upsert (Stored Procedure)     void   l_logical_volume_name text, l_node_name text, l_allocation_id bigint, l_vg_name text, l_state character, l_current_size bigint, l_max_size bigint, l_begin_time timestamp without time zone, l_updated_time timestamp without time zone, l_file_system_mount text, l_file_system_type text csm_lv_upsert function to amend summarized column(s) on INSERT. (csm_lv table)
fn_csm_node_attributes_query_details (Stored Procedure)     node_details   i_node_name text csm_node_attributes_query_details function to HELP CSM API.
fn_csm_node_delete (Stored Procedure)     record   i_node_names text[], OUT o_not_deleted_node_names_count integer, OUT o_not_deleted_node_names text Function to delete a node, and remove records in the csm_node, csm_ssd, csm_processor, csm_gpu, csm_hca, csm_dimm tables
fn_csm_node_state tr_csm_node_state csm_node BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE   csm_node function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE.
fn_csm_node_state_history_temp_table (Stored Procedure)     SETOF record   i_state compute_node_states, i_start_t timestamp without time zone, i_end_t timestamp without time zone, OUT node_name text, OUT state compute_node_states, OUT hours_of_state numeric, OUT total_range_time numeric, OUT “%_of_state” numeric function to gather statistical information related to the csm_node_state_history state durations.
fn_csm_node_update tr_csm_node_update csm_node BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_node_update function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_processor_socket_history_dump tr_csm_processor_socket_history_dump csm_processor_socket BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_processor_socket function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_ras_type_update tr_csm_ras_type_update csm_ras_type AFTER trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_ras_type function to add rows to csm_ras_type_audit on INSERT and UPDATE and DELETE. (csm_ras_type_update)
fn_csm_ssd_dead_records (Stored Procedure)     void   i_sn text Delete any vg and lv on an ssd that is being deleted.
fn_csm_ssd_history_dump tr_csm_ssd_history_dump csm_ssd BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_ssd function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_ssd_wear tr_csm_ssd_wear csm_ssd BEFORE trigger UPDATE   csm_ssd function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE.
fn_csm_step_begin (Stored Procedure)     timestamp without time zone   i_step_id bigint, i_allocation_id bigint, i_status text, i_executable text, i_working_directory text, i_argument text, i_environment_variable text, i_num_nodes integer, i_num_processors integer, i_num_gpus integer, i_projected_memory integer, i_num_tasks integer, i_user_flags text, i_node_names text[], OUT o_begin_time timestamp without time zone csm_step_begin function to begin a step, adds the step to csm_step and csm_step_node
fn_csm_step_end (Stored Procedure)     record   i_stepid bigint, i_allocationid bigint, i_exitstatus integer, i_errormessage text, i_cpustats text, i_totalutime double precision, i_totalstime double precision, i_ompthreadlimit text, i_gpustats text, i_memorystats text, i_maxmemory bigint, i_iostats text, OUT o_user_flags text, OUT o_num_nodes integer, OUT o_nodes text, OUT o_end_time timestamp without time zone csm_step_end function to delete the step from the nodes table (fn_csm_step_end)
fn_csm_step_history_dump (Stored Procedure)     void   i_stepid bigint, i_allocationid bigint, i_endtime timestamp with time zone, i_exitstatus integer, i_errormessage text, i_cpustats text, i_totalutime double precision, i_totalstime double precision, i_ompthreadlimit text, i_gpustats text, i_memorystats text, i_maxmemory bigint, i_iostats text csm_step function to amend summarized column(s) on DELETE. (csm_step_history_dump)
fn_csm_step_node_history_dump tr_csm_step_node_history_dump csm_step_node BEFORE trigger DELETE   csm_step_node function to amend summarized column(s) on DELETE. (csm_step_node_history_dump)
fn_csm_switch_attributes_query_details (Stored Procedure)     switch_details   i_switch_name text csm_switch_attributes_query_details function to HELP CSM API.
fn_csm_switch_children_inventory_collection (Stored Procedure)     record   i_record_count integer, i_name text[], i_host_system_guid text[], i_comment text[], i_description text[], i_device_name text[], i_device_type text[], i_hw_version text[], i_max_ib_ports integer[], i_module_index integer[], i_number_of_chips integer[], i_path text[], i_serial_number text[], i_severity text[], i_status text[], i_type text[], i_fw_version text[], OUT o_insert_count integer, OUT o_update_count integer, OUT o_delete_count integer function to INSERT and UPDATE switch children inventory.
fn_csm_switch_history_dump tr_csm_switch_history_dump csm_switch BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_switch function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_switch_inventory_collection (Stored Procedure)     record   i_record_count integer, i_switch_name text[], i_serial_number text[], i_comment text[], i_description text[], i_fw_version text[], i_gu_id text[], i_has_ufm_agent boolean[], i_hw_version text[], i_ip text[], i_model text[], i_num_modules integer[], i_physical_frame_location text[], i_physical_u_location text[], i_ps_id text[], i_role text[], i_server_operation_mode text[], i_sm_mode text[], i_state text[], i_sw_version text[], i_system_guid text[], i_system_name text[], i_total_alarms integer[], i_type text[], i_vendor text[], OUT o_insert_count integer, OUT o_update_count integer, OUT o_delete_count integer, OUT o_delete_module_count integer function to INSERT and UPDATE switch inventory.
fn_csm_switch_inventory_history_dump tr_csm_switch_inventory_history_dump csm_switch_inventory BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_switch_inventory function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_vg_create (Stored Procedure)     void   i_available_size bigint, i_node_name text, i_ssd_count integer, i_ssd_serial_numbers text[], i_ssd_allocations bigint[], i_total_size bigint, i_vg_name text, i_is_scheduler boolean Function to create a vg, adds the vg to csm_vg_ssd and csm_vg
fn_csm_vg_delete (Stored Procedure)     void   i_node_name text, i_vg_name text Function to delete a vg, and remove records in the csm_vg and csm_vg_ssd tables
fn_csm_vg_history_dump tr_csm_vg_history_dump csm_vg BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_vg function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
fn_csm_vg_ssd_history_dump tr_csm_vg_ssd_history_dump csm_vg_ssd BEFORE trigger INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE   csm_vg_ssd function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE and DELETE.
func_alt_type_val (Stored Procedure)     void   _type regtype, _val text function to alter existing db types.
func_csm_delete_func (Stored Procedure)     integer   _name text, OUT func_dropped integer function to drop all existing db functions.
func_csm_drop_all_triggers (Stored Procedure)     text     function to drop all existing db triggers.

CSM DB Schema (pdf)

(CSM DB schema version 18.0):

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