
CSM logging tools

To use the CSM logging tools run: opt/csm/tools/ python script.

This python script parses log files to calculate the start and end time of API calls on the different types of nodes that generate these logs. From the start and end time, the script calculates:

  • frequency at which the API was called
  • mean run time
  • median run time
  • minimum run time
  • maximum run time
  • standard deviation run time

The script also captures job ID collisions when start and end API’s do not match.


Run the script with -h for help.

[root@c650f03p41 tools]# python -h
usage: [-h] [-p path] [-s start] [-e end] [-o order]
                         [-r reverse]

A tool for parsing daemon logs for API statistics.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -p path     The directory path to where the logs are located. Defaults to:
  -s start    start of search range. Defaults to: '1000-01-01 00:00:00.0000'
  -e end      end of search range. Defaults to: '9999-01-01 00:00:00.0000'
  -o order    order the results by a field. Defaults to alphabetical by API
              name. Valid values: 0 = alphabetical, 1 = Frequency, 2 = Mean, 3
              = Max, 4 = Min, 5 = Std
  -r reverse  reverse the order of the data. Defaults to 0. Set to 1 to turn

Obtaining Log Statistics


This script handles Master, Computer, Utility, and, Aggregator logs. These must be placed under the opt/csm/tools/Logs directory unders their respective types.


As of CSM 1.4, the script can be pointed to a directory where the log files are located, and by default the program will use /var/log/ibm/csm.

Running the script

There are three ways of running the logs with time formats:

Format: <Start Date> <Start Time>
  1. Run through the logs in its entirety:
  1. Run through the logs with a specific start time:
python <Start Date> <Start Time>
  1. Run through the logs with a specific start and end time:
python <Start Date> <Start Time> <End Date> <End Time>


As of CSM 1.4 the time ranges of the script has been updated to use flags.


Reports will be caluclated and saved to individual files under opt/csm/tools/Reports under their respective log types. (The script will output to the screen as well). The report includes errors and calculated statistics.

CSM standalone inventory collection

This tool connects to UFM and collects inventory information on all Mellanox hardware in the system. You can find it located at: /opt/ibm/csm/sbin. This program has a -h, --help flag to display helpful information and should be viewed to familiarize a user with the program’s features.

Setup and Configuration

This tool requires a properly set up csm_master.cfg file. The system administrator should update the following ufm section with the proper rest_address and rest_port. Without the address for the UFM server, this tool can not communicate with UFM. For more information about configuration files, look here: CSMD Configuration.

    "ufm" :
        "rest_address"  : "__UFM_REST_ADDRESS__",
        "rest_port"     : 80,
        "ufm_ssl_file_path" : "/etc/ibm/csm",
        "ufm_ssl_file_name" : "csm_ufm_ssl_key.txt"

The system administrator must also create an SSL key for their UFM username and password. You can read more on how to do that here: Credentials.

A system administrator can also configure this tool’s output. CSM may detect some network hardware that is not Mellanox hardware or may collect incomplete records for Mellanox hardware. If this is the case, CSM will capture what data it can and output those records to a bad_records file. The default location and names of these files are copied from the csm_master.cfg file and reproduced below. A system administrator can update the csm_master.cfg file to customize or change these filenames should they choose.

    "inventory" :
        "csm_inv_log_dir" : "/var/log/ibm/csm/inv",
            "ib_cable_errors" : "bad_ib_cable_records.txt",
            "switch_errors"   : "bad_switch_records.txt",
            "ufm_switch_output_file_name" : "ufm_switch_output_file.json",
            "ufm_switch_input_file_name" : "ufm_switch_output_file.json"

The absolute path for inventory collection logs.


Output file location for records of bad IB cables as detected by CSM.

Relative to the csm_inv_log_dir.


Output file location for records of IB switch errors as detected by CSM.

Relative to the csm_inv_log_dir.


During inventory collection, CSM calls a ufm restfulAPI. The restfulAPI outputs json. CSM saves the json output to a file. CSM will use this value to name that file.

Relative to the csm_inv_log_dir.


During inventory collection, CSM needs to read from a json file that contains inventory data. This value is the name of the file to read from. Most of the time it should be the same as the output file above. As step 1 is collect the info and save it, then step 2 is to read that info, parse it, and send it to CSM database. CSM team has seperated these two values to give the system admin an opportunity to read from a different file other than what was collected and saved in step 1.

Relative to the csm_inv_log_dir.

Using the Tool

The UFM Inventory collection tool has multiple flags.

For help run the tool with the -h, --help flag. This will give useful help for all flags and example values.

The first flag is -c, --config. This flag tells the tool where your csm_master.cfg file is located. If this flag is not provided, then the tool will look in the default location of: /etc/ibm/csm/csm_master.cfg.

The second flag is -t, --type. This flag determines what type of inventory should be collected. 1 = ib cables, 2 = switches, 3 = ib cables and switches. If this flag is not provided, then the tool will default to type 3, collecting information on both ib cables and switches.

Another flag, -i, --input_override, overrides the value for ufm_switch_input_file_name defined in the csm_master.cfg. This is a direct and literal full path including the filename and extension. This is useful if the tool needs to be passed switch inventory information from a seperate origin source for a single run.


All output information for this tool is printed to the console. The -d, --details flag can be used to turn on extra information. If there are bad or incomplete records for hardware inventory they will not be copied into the Database and instead placed into the bad_records files specified in the csm_master.cfg file.