Using script

This script will gather statistical information related to the CSM DB which includes, table data activity, index related information, and table lock monitoring, CSM DB schema version, DB connections stats query, DB user stats query, and PostgreSQL version installed .


For a quick overview of the script functionality,

/opt/ibm/csm/db/ –h
/opt/ibm/csm/db/ --help

This help command <-h, --help> will specify each of the options available to use.

The script creates a log file for each query executed. (Please see the log file for details): /var/log/ibm/csm/csm_db_stats.log

Usage Overview

Options Command Result
Table data activity ./ –t <my_db_name> ./ –tableinfo <my_db_name> see details below
Index related information ./ –i <my_db_name> ./ –indexinfo <my_db_name> see details below
Index analysis information ./ –x <my_db_name> ./ –indexanalysis <my_db_name> see details below
Table Locking Monitoring ./ –l <my_db_name> ./ –lockinfo <my_db_name> see details below
Schema Version Query ./ –s <my_db_name> ./ –schemaversion <my_db_name> see details below
DB connections stats Query ./ –c <my_db_name> ./ –connectionsdb <my_db_name> see details below
DB user stats query ./ –u <my_db_name> ./ –usernamedb <my_db_name> see details below
PostgreSQL Version Installed ./ -v csmdb ./ –postgresqlversion csmdb see details below
DB Archiving Stats ./ -a csmdb ./ –archivecount csmdb see details below
–help ./ see details below

Example (usage)

-bash-4.2$ ./ --help
[Info ] : List/Kill database user sessions
[Usage] : [OPTION]... [DBNAME]
  Argument               |  DB Name  | Description
 -t, --tableinfo         | [db_name] | Populates Database Table Stats:
                         |           | Live Row Count, Inserts, Updates, Deletes, and Table Size
 -i, --indexinfo         | [db_name] | Populates Database Index Stats:
                         |           | tablename, indexname, num_rows, tbl_size, ix_size, uk,
                         |           | num_scans, tpls_read, tpls_fetched
 -x, --indexanalysis     | [db_name] | Displays the index usage analysis
 -l, --lockinfo          | [db_name] | Displays any locks that might be happening within the DB
 -s, --schemaversion     | [db_name] | Displays the current CSM DB version
 -c, --connectionsdb     | [db_name] | Displays the current DB connections
 -u, --usernamedb        | [db_name] | Displays the current DB user names and privileges
 -v, --postgresqlversion | [db_name] | Displays the current version of PostgreSQL installed
                         |           | along with environment details
 -a, --archivecount      | [db_name] | Displays the archived and non archive record counts
 -h, --help              |           | help
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -t, --tableinfo          [dbname]    | Database table stats -i, --indexinfo          [dbname]    | Database index stats -x, --indexanalysisinfo  [dbname]    | Database index usage analysis stats -l, --lockinfo           [dbname]    | Database lock stats -s, --schemaversion      [dbname]    | Database schema version (CSM_DB only) -c, --connectionsdb      [dbname]    | Database connections stats -u, --usernamedb         [dbname]    | Database user stats -v, --postgresqlversion  [dbname]    | Database (PostgreSQL) version -a, --archivecount       [dbname]    | Database archive stats -h, --help               [dbname]    | Help menu

1. Table data activity

/opt/ibm/csm/db/ –t <my_db_name>
/opt/ibm/csm/db/ --tableinfo <my_db_name>

Example (Query details)

Column_Name Description
tablename table name
live_row_count current row count in the CSM_DB
insert_count number of rows inserted into each of the tables
update_count number of rows updated in each of the tables
delete_count number of rows deleted in each of the tables
table_size table size


This query will display information related to the CSM DB tables (or other specified DB). The query will display results based on if the insert, update, and delete count is > 0. If there is no data in a particular table it will be omitted from the results.

Example (DB Table info.)

-bash-4.2$ ./ -t csmdb
        relname        | live_row_count | insert_count | update_count | delete_count | table_size
 csm_db_schema_version |              1 |            1 |            0 |            0 | 8192 bytes
 csm_gpu               |              4 |            4 |            0 |            0 | 8192 bytes
 csm_hca               |              2 |            2 |            0 |            0 | 8192 bytes
 csm_node              |              2 |            2 |            0 |            0 | 8192 bytes
 csm_ras_type          |              4 |            4 |            0 |            0 | 8192 bytes
 csm_ras_type_audit    |              4 |            4 |            0 |            0 | 8192 bytes
(6 rows)

3. Index Analysis Usage Information

/opt/ibm/csm/db/ –x <my_db_name>
/opt/ibm/csm/db/ --indexanalysis <my_db_name>

Example (Query details)

Column_Name Description
relname table name
too_much_seq case when seq_scan - idx_scan > 0
case If Missing Index or is Ok
rel_size OID of a table, index returns the on-disk size in bytes.
seq_scan Number of sequential scans initiated on this table.
idx_scan Number of index scans initiated on this index


This query checks if there are more sequence scans being performed instead of index scans. Results will be displayed if the relname, too_much_seq, case, rel_size, seq_scan, and idx_scan. This query helps analyze database.

Example (Indexes Usage)

-bash-4.2$ ./ -x csmdb
              relname         | too_much_seq |      case      |  rel_size   | seq_scan | idx_scan
 csm_step_node                |     16280094 | Missing Index? |      245760 | 17438931 |  1158837
 csm_allocation_history       |      3061025 | Missing Index? |    57475072 |  3061787 |      762
 csm_allocation_state_history |         3276 | Missing Index? |    35962880 |    54096 |    50820
 csm_vg_history               |         1751 | Missing Index? |      933888 |     1755 |        4
 csm_vg_ssd_history           |         1751 | Missing Index? |      819200 |     1755 |        4
 csm_ssd_history              |         1749 | Missing Index? |     1613824 |     1755 |        6
 csm_dimm_history             |         1652 | Missing Index? |    13983744 |     1758 |      106
 csm_gpu_history              |         1645 | Missing Index? |    24076288 |     1756 |      111
 csm_hca_history              |         1643 | Missing Index? |     8167424 |     1754 |      111
 csm_ras_event_action         |         1549 | Missing Index? |   263143424 |     1854 |      305
 csm_node_state_history       |          401 | Missing Index? |    78413824 |      821 |      420
 csm_node_history             |       -31382 | OK             |   336330752 |      879 |    32261
 csm_ras_type_audit           |       -97091 | OK             |       98304 |   793419 |   890510
 csm_step_history             |      -227520 | OK             |   342327296 |      880 |   228400
 csm_vg_ssd                   |      -356574 | OK             |      704512 |   125588 |   482162
 csm_vg                       |      -403370 | OK             |      729088 |    86577 |   489947
 csm_hca                      |      -547463 | OK             |     1122304 |        1 |   547464
 csm_ras_type                 |      -942966 | OK             |       81920 |       23 |   942989
 csm_ssd                      |     -1242433 | OK             |     1040384 |    85068 |  1327501
 csm_step_node_history        |     -1280913 | OK             |  2865987584 |    49335 |  1330248
 csm_allocation_node_history  |     -1664023 | OK             | 21430599680 |      887 |  1664910
 csm_gpu                      |     -2152044 | OK             |     5996544 |        1 |  2152045
 csm_dimm                     |     -2239777 | OK             |     7200768 |   118280 |  2358057
 csm_allocation_node          |    -52187077 | OK             |      319488 |  1727675 | 53914752
 csm_node                     |    -78859700 | OK             |     2768896 |   127214 | 78986914
(25 rows)

4. Table Lock Monitoring

/opt/ibm/csm/db/ –l <my_db_name>
/opt/ibm/csm/db/ --lockinfo <my_db_name>

Example (Query details)

Column_Name Description
blocked_pid Process ID of the server process holding or awaiting this lock, or null if the lock is held by a prepared transaction.
blocked_user The user that is being blocked.
current_or_recent_statement_in_blocking_process The query statement that is displayed as a result.
state_of_blocking_process Current overall state of this backend.
blocking_duration Evaluates when the process begin and subtracts from the current time when the query began.
blocking_pid Process ID of this backend.
blocking_user The user that is blocking other transactions.
blocked_statement The query statement that is displayed as a result.
blocked_duration Evaluates when the process begin and subtracts from the current time when the query began.

Example (Lock Monitoring)

-bash-4.2$ ./ -l csmdb
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------
blocked_pid                                     | 38351
blocked_user                                    | postgres
current_or_recent_statement_in_blocking_process | update csm_processor set status=’N’ where serial_number=3;
state_of+blocking_process                       | active
blocking_duration                               | 01:01:11.653697
blocking_pid                                    | 34389
blocking_user                                   | postgres
blocked_statement                               | update csm_processor set status=’N’ where serial_number=3;
blocked_duration                                | 00:01:09.048478


This query displays relevant information related to lock monitoring. It will display the current blocked and blocking rows affected along with each duration. A systems administrator can run the query and evaluate what is causing the results of a “hung” procedure and determine the possible issue.

5. DB schema Version Query

/opt/ibm/csm/db/ –s <my_db_name>
/opt/ibm/csm/db/ --schemaversion <my_db_name>

Example (Query details)

version This provides the current CSM DB version that is current being used.
create_time This column indicated when the database was created.
comment This column indicates the “current version” as comment.

Example (DB Schema Version)

-bash-4.2$ ./ -s csmdb
 version |        create_time         |     comment
  16.2   | 2018-04-04 09:41:57.784378 | current_version
(1 row)


This query provides the current database version the system is running along with its creation time.

6. DB Connections with details

/opt/ibm/csm/db/./ –c <my_db_name>
/opt/ibm/csm/db/./ --connectionsdb <my_db_name>

Example (Query details)

pid Process ID of this backend.
dbname Name of the database this backend is connected to.
username Name of the user logged into this backend.
backend_start Time when this process was started, i.e., when the client connected to the server.
query_start Time when the currently active query was started, or if state is not active, when the last query was started.
state_change Time when the state was last changed.
wait True if this backend is currently waiting on a lock.
query Text of this backends most recent query. If state is active this field shows the currently executing query. In all other states, it shows the last query that was executed.

Example (database connections)

-bash-4.2$ ./ -c csmdb
  pid  | dbname | usename  |         backend_start      |          query_start       |         state_change       | wait |            query
 61427 | xcatdb | xcatadm  | 2017-11-01 13:42:53.931094 | 2017-11-02 10:15:04.617097 | 2017-11-02 10:15:04.617112 | f    | DEALLOCATE
       |        |          |                            |                            |                            |      | dbdpg_p17050_384531
 61428 | xcatdb | xcatadm  | 2017-11-01 13:42:53.932721 | 2017-11-02 10:15:04.616291 | 2017-11-02 10:15:04.616313 | f    | SELECT 'DBD::Pg ping test'
 55753 | csmdb  | postgres | 2017-11-02 10:15:06.619898 | 2017-11-02 10:15:06.620889 | 2017-11-02 10:15:06.620891 | f    |
       |        |          |                            |                            |                            |      | SELECT pid,datname AS dbname,
       |        |          |                            |                            |                            |      | usename,backend_start, q.
       |        |          |                            |                            |                            |      |.uery_start, state_change,
       |        |          |                            |                            |                            |      | waiting AS wait,query FROM pg.
       |        |          |                            |                            |                            |      |._stat_activity;
(3 rows)


This query will display information about the database connections that are in use on the system. The pid (Process ID), database name, user name, backend start time, query start time, state change, waiting status, and query will display statistics about the current database activity.

7. PostgreSQL users with details

/opt/ibm/csm/db/./ –u <my_db_name>
/opt/ibm/csm/db/./ --usernamedb <my_db_name>

Example (Query details)

Column_Name Description
rolname Role name (t/f).
rolsuper Role has superuser privileges (t/f).
rolinherit Role automatically inherits privileges of roles it is a member of (t/f).
rolcreaterole Role can create more roles (t/f).
rolcreatedb Role can create databases (t/f).
rolcatupdate Role can update system catalogs directly. (Even a superuser cannot do this unless this column is true) (t/f).
rolcanlogin Role can log in. That is, this role can be given as the initial session authorization identifier (t/f).
rolreplication Role is a replication role. That is, this role can initiate streaming replication and set/unset the system backup mode using pg_start_backup and pg_stop_backup (t/f).
rolconnlimit For roles that can log in, this sets maximum number of concurrent connections this role can make. -1 means no limit.
rolpassword Not the password (always reads as ****).
rolvaliduntil Password expiry time (only used for password authentication); null if no expiration.
rolconfig Role-specific defaults for run-time configuration variables.
oid ID of role.

Example (DB users with details)

-bash-4.2$ ./ -u postgres
 rolname  | rolsuper | rolinherit | rolcreaterole | rolcreatedb | rolcatupdate | rolcanlogin | rolreplication | rolconnlimit | rolpassword | rolvaliduntil | rolconfig |  oid
 postgres | t        | t          | t             | t           | t            | t           | t              |           -1 | ********    |               |           |     10
 xcatadm  | f        | t          | f             | f           | f            | t           | f              |           -1 | ********    |               |           |  16385
 root     | f        | t          | f             | f           | f            | t           | f              |           -1 | ********    |               |           |  16386
 csmdb    | f        | t          | f             | f           | f            | t           | f              |           -1 | ********    |               |           | 704142
(4 rows)


This query will display specific information related to the users that are currently in the postgres database. These fields will appear in the query: rolname, rolsuper, rolinherit, rolcreaterole, rolcreatedb, rolcatupdate, rolcanlogin, rolreplication, rolconnlimit, rolpassword, rolvaliduntil, rolconfig, and oid. See below for details.

8. PostgreSQL Version Installed

/opt/ibm/csm/db/./ –v <my_db_name>
/opt/ibm/csm/db/./ --postgresqlversion <my_db_name>
Column_Name Description
version This provides the current PostgreSQL installed on the system along with other environment details.

Example (DB Schema Version)

-bash-4.2$ ./ -v csmdb
 PostgreSQL 9.2.18 on powerpc64le-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-9), 64-bit
(1 row)


This query provides the current version of PostgreSQL installed on the system along with environment details.

9. DB Archiving Stats

/opt/ibm/csm/db/./ –a <my_db_name>
/opt/ibm/csm/db/./ --indexanalysis <my_db_name>

Example (Query details)

Column_Name Description
table_name Table name.
total_rows Total Rows in DB.
not_archived Total rows not archived in the DB.
archived Total rows archived in the DB.
last_archive_time Last archived process time.


This query could take several minutes to execute depending on the total size of each table.

Example (DB archive count with details)

-bash-4.2$ ./ -a csmdb
         table_name            | total_rows | not_archived | archived | last_archive_time
 csm_allocation_history        |      94022 |            0 |    94022 | 2018-10-09 16:00:01.912545
 csm_allocation_node_history   |   73044162 |            0 | 73044162 | 2018-10-09 16:00:02.06098
 csm_allocation_state_history  |     281711 |            0 |   281711 | 2018-10-09 16:01:03.685959
 csm_config_history            |          0 |            0 |        0 |
 csm_db_schema_version_history |          2 |            0 |        2 | 2018-10-03 10:38:45.294172
 csm_diag_result_history       |         12 |            0 |       12 | 2018-10-03 10:38:45.379335
 csm_diag_run_history          |          8 |            0 |        8 | 2018-10-03 10:38:45.464976
 csm_dimm_history              |      76074 |            0 |    76074 | 2018-10-03 10:38:45.550827
 csm_gpu_history               |      58773 |            0 |    58773 | 2018-10-03 10:38:47.486974
 csm_hca_history               |      23415 |            0 |    23415 | 2018-10-03 10:38:50.574223
 csm_ib_cable_history          |          0 |            0 |        0 |
 csm_lv_history                |          0 |            0 |        0 |
 csm_lv_update_history         |          0 |            0 |        0 |
 csm_node_history              |     536195 |            0 |   536195 | 2018-10-09 14:10:40.423458
 csm_node_state_history        |     966991 |            0 |   966991 | 2018-10-09 15:30:40.886846
 csm_processor_socket_history  |          0 |            0 |        0 |
 csm_ras_event_action          |    1115253 |            0 |  1115253 | 2018-10-09 15:30:50.514246
 csm_ssd_history               |       4723 |            0 |     4723 | 2018-10-03 10:39:47.963564
 csm_ssd_wear_history          |          0 |            0 |        0 |
 csm_step_history              |     456080 |            0 |   456080 | 2018-10-09 16:01:05.797751
 csm_step_node_history         |   25536362 |            0 | 25536362 | 2018-10-09 16:01:06.216121
 csm_switch_history            |          0 |            0 |        0 |
 csm_switch_inventory_history  |          0 |            0 |        0 |
 csm_vg_history                |       4608 |            0 |     4608 | 2018-10-03 10:44:25.837201
 csm_vg_ssd_history            |       4608 |            0 |     4608 | 2018-10-03 10:44:26.047599
(25 rows)


This query provides statistical information related to the DB archiving count and processing time.