
This section describes the archiving process associated with the CSM DB history tables. If run alone it will archive all history tables in the CSM Database, including the csm_ras_event_action table.


This script is designed to run as a root user. If you try to run as a postgres user the script will prompt a message and exit.

-bash-4.2$ ./ -h
[INFO] Only root can run this script

Usage Overview

/opt/ibm/csm/db/ –h
/opt/ibm/csm/db/ --help

The help command (-h, –help) will specify each of the options available to use.

Options Description Result
running the script with no options ./ Will execute with default configured settings
running the script with –t, –target ./ –t, –target Specifies the target directory where json files will be written to.
running the script with -n, –count ./ –n, –count specifies the number of records to be archived.
running the script with –d, –database ./ -d, –database specifies the database name
running the script with –u, –user ./ –u, –user specifies the database user name.
running the script with –-threads ./ –-threads specifies threads.
running the script with –h, –help ./ –h, –help see details below

Example (usage)

-bash-4.2$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-t dir] [-n count] [-d db] [-u user]
                                 [--threads threads]

A tool for archiving the CSM Database history tables.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t dir, --target dir  Target directory to write archive to. Default:
  -n count, --count count
                        Number of records to archive in the run. Default: 1000
  -d db, --database db  Database to archive tables from. Default: csmdb
  -u user, --user user  The database user. Default: postgres
  --threads threads     The number of threads for the thread pool. Default: 10



This is a general overview of the CSM DB archive history process using the script.

Script overview

The script may largely be broken into

  1. Create a temporary table to archive history data based on a condition.
  1. Connect to the Database with the postgres user.
  2. Drops and creates the temp table used in the archival process.
  3. The first query selects all the fields in the table.
  4. The second and third query is a nested query that defines a particular row count that a user can pass in or can be set as a default value. The data is filter by using the history_time)..
  5. The where clause defines whether the archive_history_time field is NULL.
  6. The user will have the option to pass in a row count value (ex. 10,000 records).
  7. The data will be ordered by history_time ASC.
  1. Copies all satisfied history data to a json file.
  1. Copies all the results from the temp table and appends to a json file
  1. Then updates the archive_history_timestamp field, which can be later deleted during the purging process).
  1. Updates the csm_[table_name]_history table
  2. Sets the archive_history_time = current timestamp
  3. From clause on the temp table
  4. WHERE (compares history_time, from history table to temp table) AND history.archive_history_time IS NULL.


If this script below is run manually it will display the results to the screen. This script handles all history table archiving in the database.

Script out results

[root@c650mnp02 db]# /opt/ibm/csm/db/ -d csmdb -t /tmp/test_archive_dir/ -n 100
Welcome to the CSM DB archiving script
Start Script Time:                 | 2018-11-23 11:25:02.027564
[INFO] Processing Table csm_config_history            | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_allocation_history        | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_allocation_node_history   | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_db_schema_version_history | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 100
[INFO] Processing Table csm_allocation_state_history  | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_diag_result_history       | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_diag_run_history          | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_hca_history               | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_dimm_history              | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_ib_cable_history          | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_gpu_history               | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_lv_history                | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_lv_update_history         | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_processor_socket_history  | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_node_history              | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_ssd_history               | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_node_state_history        | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_ssd_wear_history          | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_step_history              | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_switch_inventory_history  | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_step_node_history         | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_vg_history                | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_switch_history            | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_vg_ssd_history            | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
[INFO] Processing Table csm_ras_event_action          | User Ct: 100        | Act DB Ct: 0
DB Name:                           | csmdb
DB User Name:                      | postgres
Thread Count:                      | 10
Archiving Log Directory:           | /var/log/ibm/csm/db/csm_db_archive_script.log
Archiving Data Directory:          | /tmp/test_archive_dir/
End Script Time:                   | 2018-11-23 11:25:02.130501
Total Process Time:                | 0:00:00.102937
Finish CSM DB archive script process


While using the csm_stats_script (in another session) the user can monitor the results

/opt/ibm/csm/db/ –t <db_name>
/opt/ibm/csm/db/ –-tableinfo <db_name>

If a user specifies a non related DB in the system or if there are issues connecting to the DB server a message will display.

[root@c650mnp02 db]# /opt/ibm/csm/db/ -d csmd -t /tmp/test_archive_dir/ -n 100
Welcome to the CSM DB archiving script
Start Script Time:                 | 2018-11-23 11:44:17.535131
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
[CRITICAL] Unable to connect to local database.
DB Name:                           | csmd
DB User Name:                      | postgres
Thread Count:                      | 10
Archiving Log Directory:           | /var/log/ibm/csm/db/csm_db_archive_script.log
Archiving Data Directory:          | /tmp/test_archive_dir/
End Script Time:                   | 2018-11-23 11:44:17.574674
Total Process Time:                | 0:00:00.039543
Finish CSM DB archive script process


Directory: Currently the scripts are setup to archive the results in a specified directory.

The history table data will be archived in a .json file format and in the specified or default directory: csm_allocation_history.archive.2018-11-23.json

The history table log file will be in a .log file format and in the default directory: /var/log/ibm/csm/db/csm_db_archive_script.log