
This section describes the deletion process associated with the CSM Database history tables. If run alone it will delete all history tables including the csm_event_action table, which contain a non-null archive history timestamp.

Usage Overview

-bash-4.2$ ./ -h
 CSM Database History Delete Usage
   -h                          Display this message.
   -t <dir>                    Target directory to write the delete log to.
                               Default: "/var/log/ibm/csm/delete"
   -n <time-count mins.>           The time (in mins.) of oldest records which to delete.
                               Attention: requires users input value
   -d <db>                     Database to delete tables from.
                               Attention: requires users input value
[Example ] ./ -d [dbname] -n [time_interval] -t [/data_dir/]


This is a general overview of the CSM DB deletion process using the script.

The script (when called manually) will delete history records which have been archived with a archive_history_timestamp. Records in the history table that do not have an archived_history_timestamp will remain in the system until it has been archived.

The script will accept certain flags:
  1. Database name
  2. Interval time (in minutes)
  3. History table name
  4. Specified directory to be written to

Example (wrapper script)

[./] [dbname] [time_mins] [history_table_name] [data_dir]


The deletion wrapper script is a per history table deletion process.

Example (Script out results)

-bash-4.2$ ./ csmdb 1 csm_node_history /tmp/csm_node_history_delete/
  Table                        | Time        |  Delete Count (DB Actual)
 csm_node_history              |  0.005      |   0
 Date/Time:                    |  2018-04-
 DB Name:                      |  csmdb
 DB User:                      |  postgres
 Interval time (cmd-line):     |  1 Min(s).
 Total time (Cleanup):         |  0.005


Directory: Currently the scripts are setup to archive the results in a specified directory.

Example output file: The history delete timing results will be logged in a csv file: csm_db_delete_script.log