
This section describes the archiving process associated with the CSM DB history tables. If run alone it will archive all history tables in the CSM Database, including the csm_ras_event_action table.

Usage Overview

-bash-4.2$ ./ -h
CSM Database History Archive Usage -
    -h                 Display this message.
    -t <dir>           Target directory to write the archive to.
                       Default: "/var/log/ibm/csm/archive"
    -n <count>         Number of records to archive in the run.
                       Default: 100
    -d <db>            Database to archive tables from.
                       Default: "csmdb"

[Example ] ./ -d [dbname] -n [time_interval] -t [/data_dir/]


This is a general overview of the CSM DB archive history process using the script.

Script overview

The script may largely be broken into

  1. Create a temporary table to archive history data based on a condition.
  1. Connect to the Database with the postgres user.
  2. Drops and creates the temp table used in the archival process.
  3. The first query selects all the fields in the table.
  4. The second and third query is a nested query that defines a particular row count that a user can pass in or can be set as a default value. The data is filter by using the history_time)..
  5. The where clause defines whether the archive_history_time field is NULL.
  6. The user will have the option to pass in a row count value (ex. 10,000 records).
  7. The data will be ordered by history_time ASC.
  1. Copies all satisfied history data to a json file.
  1. Copies all the results from the temp table and appends to a json file
  1. Then updates the archive_history_timestamp field, which can be later deleted during the purging process).
  1. Updates the csm_[table_name]_history table
  2. Sets the archive_history_time = current timestamp
  3. From clause on the temp table
  4. WHERE (compares history_time, from history table to temp table) AND history.archive_history_time IS NULL.

Wrapper script

  1. Database name. (Default: “csmdb”)
  2. Archive counter. (how many records to be archived: Default: 100)
  3. Specified directory to be written to. (Default: /var/log/ibm/csm/archive)
[./] [dbname] [archive_counter] [history_table_name] [/data_dir/]


If this script below is run manually it will display the results to the screen. This script only handles per table archiving.

Script out results

-bash-4.2$ ./ csmdb 10000 csm_node_history /tmp/
  Table                        |  Time       |  Archive Count
 csm_node_history              |  0.157      |   10000
 Date/Time:                    |  2018-04-
 DB Name:                      |  csmdb
 DB User:                      |  postgres
 archive_counter:              |  10000
 Total time:                   |  0.157
 Average time:                 |  0.157


While using the csm_stats_script (in another session) the user can monitor the results

./ –t <db_name>


Directory: Currently the scripts are setup to archive the results in a specified directory.

The history table data will be archived in a csv file along with the log file: csm_db_archive_script.log csm_node_history.archive.2018-07-30.json